Friday, June 28, 2013


If I had my life to live over, I'd make more mistakes;
I'd relax. I'd take fewer things seriously and take more chances.
I'd have more actual problems... and fewer imaginary ones.
Oh, I've had my moments, but I could do it all over again...
I'd have more of them.
If I had it to do again, I'd travel lighter than I have.  (Nadine Stair)

I've seen a dozen of these lists, and I'm sure you have too, but they do make an important point:
                    life is a fleeting & rich gift that must be embraced to its fullest... because the      
                    door always closes.

If I had my life to live over, I'd invite friends in.... when the house was dirty.
I'd burn the sculpted candle before it melted in storage;
I'd play with the kids on the lawn... and not worry about grass stains;
If I had another shot, I'd seize every moment. I'd look at it, embrace it, and never give it back...
                  because the door always closes,

Life is fleeting- you know it's true- and the choices we make
                  make all the difference in the world.
Being 40 is midsummer for many of us- it's 1/2 way home- and
                  for those of us who are baby boomers, it's already fall, even winter-and
                  the importance of our choices is getting clearer and clearer.

I've discovered- I know you have too- that life turns on a single choice.
What if I would've accepted a job offer in Wayne, Nebraska, or
                  pursued a job opportunity with a grocery chain in Salt Lake City, or
                  chosen Christ much earlier in my life, or not at all, or
                  said "no" to the things I said "yes" too?
I wonder, but I will never really know;
                  however, I do know this: your life quality (and quantity) depend on your choices
                                 because the door always closes.

Have you seen H. Jackson Browne's Suggestions for Success that appear on posters?
They deal with choices that bring us joy.
                 1)  Marry the right person;
                 2)  Work at something you enjoy and that helps the world;
                 3)  Choose to give... and give cheerfully;
                 4)  Choose to be forgiving;
                 5)  Choose to be loyal;, he
                 6)  Choose to be decisive;
                 7)  Choose to take responsibility;
                 8)  Choose to take care of those you love; and let me add....

                 9)  CHOOSE GOD, CHOOSE GOD.

Choose God, as Joshua did,
Choose God instead of yourself and your life will be complete.

Ever since Toeffler wrote "Future Shock," we have known that choices would one day overwhelm us,
and that day has come. Whether we're considering toothpaste, shampoo, TV stations, fast food places, or ice cream flavors, the choices we have today are staggering. We have so many choices that we are sometimes so confused that we don't choose any. Most of our choices are inconsequential, but, and this is important... I am convinced that we will be blessed if we choose the right partner, the right vocation, and God. These three choices are absolutely critical and choosing God is a must.

Choose this day, Joshua shouted, which God or (god) you will serve-
the Living God whom we worship in Christ... or a god of your own making,
                  like money, pleasure, power, or work?
Choose this day, he cried, but as for me and my family, he said,
                  WE WILL SERVE THE LORD.

Choose God while he is near... because the door always closes.
Whether we're talking about the rapture, or our daily encounters with Christ, or
                  the daily opportunities that God gives us- they never come again...
                                  and the door always closes.  
The phone rings- someone's died.
There's a pink slip on your desk. 
The dance ends and you never asked her to dance.
You were going to forgive someone, start something great, do business with God...
                  but the door slammed shut!

Friends, tomorrow never comes.
One moment, when you least expect it,
                  God will barge into your life, and whisper your name.
He may have a question, he may have work for you to do, he may call you home.
We never know, but... if we choose God
                  we will live joyously and fearlessly in Christ!    


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