Thursday, November 21, 2013

An Attitude of Gratitude-My Head is Filled with Dirt

Gratefulness, someone said, is the fullest expression of the human heart... but I often take my blessings for granted. Another person once told me that my life would be better if I took the time to write a gratitude list every morning. He said that this would center me and lift my spirits as well, but I forget to do it, and even when I do remember, I'm too busy... so I plod along, wandering why I don't receive as many blessings that others seem to have. This way of thinking is wrong of course. In the 12 Step world, they would call it "stinking thinking." It's self-defeating and counter-productive... so today... as another Thanksgiving nears... I will write my Gratitude List. Today, I am grateful for...

Christ, Golgotha, and the Easter Promise...
      my wife, my family, and others who have actually loved me for better or worse...
            friends who have gone out of their way to overlook my faults and shortcomings...

Today, I am grateful for...
      the joy of laughter when it's vulnerable and the depth of honest tears...
            my vocation, adult baptisms, surrender, and second chances...
                  unexpected generosity... and people who dance with life.

Today, I am grateful for...
      the oldies station, praise music, classic country, and old-time gospel music...
            for the thread of hope that runs through Christian funerals...
                  and people who die with grace.

Today, I am grateful for...
      good coffee, bad coffee, cold coffee, and reheated coffee...
            mulligans, do-overs, and 2nd, 3rd, 10th chances... and forgiveness.

Today, I am grateful for
      an oncology nurse named Maria and a preacher named Lu...
            friends like Edna Baker, Bill Maule, Bus Iglehart, and Kelly Arduser, and
                  of course, being saved in and through Christ Jesus.

I've read that the Masai people say, "My head is filled with dirt," when they are grateful. Rather than saying "thank you," they say, "My head is filled dirt"... because, when they are grateful, they fall on their knees and actually put their foreheads in the dirt. This is much too vulnerable for most of us, but when you've been saved by grace and showered with unmerited blessings... what else can you do...
but fall to your knees and say, "My Lord and my God, my head is filled with dirt"!

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