Saturday, August 31, 2013


      The word "sin" isn't in vogue these days. It sounds harsh... outdated. I can admit that I make mistakes. I use poor judgment. I carry "baggage" from my past, but I don't like to think of myself as a sinner. But I am! I am tempted to worship myself first, my family second, my work third, the things that make me feel better fourth...and God on Sundays. I am a sinner- not so much because I cuss, smoke, lie, carouse, and drink- but rather, because I don't love God with all of my heart and I don't love my neighbor as myself.
      By any Biblical measure, I am a sinner. I am not humble; I'm not much of a peacemaker, and my heart's not nearly as pure as it ought to be. I could go on and confess that I don't turn the other cheek or love my enemies... but the case against me just gets stronger and stronger... until, at last, I cry out, "Lord, have mercy on me!" Whether we're talking about the Ten Commandments... or the seven deadly sins of lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, or pride...or the seven things that are an abomination to God (Prov. 6:16ff)- a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift to run into mischief, a deceitful witness that utters lies, or a man who sows discord among his brothers... I fare poorly. Perhaps you do too. I've always been fond of Ghandi's seven deadly sins- wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, science without humanity, knowledge without character, politics without principle, commerce without morality and worship without sacrifice... but I'm not sure that I would meet that standard either.
      We're all sinners...but rather than talking about specific sins, I want to focus on the 2 sins that Jeremiah cites in the 2nd chapter of the book that bears his name. The individual sins that the ancient Hebrews committed are impossible to know, but the nature of their sin fell into two categories-1) they abandoned God and 2) they trusted in themselves. Listen to God's emotional case against Israel... as I paraphrase it in my words. In the beginning, God said to Israel, you loved me and you obeyed my commandments. You kept yourself separate from the world- and in that way, you remained holy, but now you are lost. You've chased worthless idols, my priests have become full of themselves, and my shepherds fatten my flocks for slaughter (as if they were theirs). My people have committed 2 sins- they've forsaken me and they've put their trust in broken cisterns, which cannot hold water! It boggles my mind (God noted) because no people has ever abandoned one god for another... except you! You had the living God as your God. You had a God who could hear and see and love. You had a God who was willing and able. You had the ONLY one who could give you living waters, and you through me under the bus... in your rush to be worldly.
      Friends, we are still trusting in broken cisterns and we continue to forget our God! There was a time in our country when Bibles were used a primers, and now they're not even allowed at school. There was a time when our leaders really believed that they were responsible to God because America was in His hands. There was a time... when people joined in prayer at civic events. There was a time when people came to America to for religious freedom, and there was a time when Christmas was Christmas and Easter was Easter. There was a time when people knew that "separation of church and state" was meant to protect the church. In short, there was a time when we acted as if we knew who we were... and whose we were.  But now we're in a time, where we're all encouraged to trust in our broken cisterns- ourselves, our ideas, wishes, pleasures, and the little gods we make. Instead of trusting in God, we trust in our money, education, status, power, charm, intelligence... neither knowing nor caring that we're trusting in broken cisterns that can't hold water, 
      This would be a bleak picture... if it were the end of the story... but God is not through with us yet.  Who we were yesterday is not who we need to be tomorrow...because, in Christ, we are no longer slaves to sin! We cannot serve Christ on our own terms- it is an obvious oxymoron- and we will never get free from the chains of self and the burdens of living... if we continue to trust in broken cisterns. Friends, it is my prayer that you will give up the fruitless search for a cistern that will quench your thirst... and embrace the One who offers living water! Amen!

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