Thursday, August 22, 2013


I've got a long list of real good excuses... for all the things I've said and done, and I don't suppose there'd be room in a book... to recount them one by one.

I would've been a better student... if there hadn't have been so much chaos at home.
I would've had more confidence... if my parents would've affirmed me more often.
I would've been a better husband... if my father had been a better role model.
I would've been a better ballplayer... if he would've taken the time to play catch.
I would've had a better tee shot Friday... if there hadn't been an unexpected noise.
I would've become addicted to alcohol... if it didn't run in the family genes.
I would've attended Grinnell College and became a professor... if anyone else would've cared.
I would've written the great novel by now... if people would've given me a little time, and
I would be a more effective pastor... if people would just listen and follow my lead.

Come to think of it, I DO have a long list of reasons for all the things I've done and left undone. I've made a 1000 excuses for my own mistakes and missed opportunities... but (and this is important) I took God seriously when I heard him call! Even though I'd never read a single book of Scripture, I knew his voice, and even though I'd never even considered that He was part of my life, I believed He could save my soul. So, I raised my hand and I followed. It was a no-brainer... but it wasn't easy. I had a lot of confessions to make, and old habits are hard to break.  I needed to repair things at home. I needed to be a better husband, a better dad, a better executive, a better person, and the last thing I needed... was the challenge of letting go and walking with God... in trust. But I did... because I had run out of options. Yes, I admit it. I had an advantage that most of you don't have. I had used up all my excuses, and I knew that following Christ was a matter of life and death for me.

Most of you have the luxury of making excuses if you want to make them. Or at least you think you do. Even as I speak, we're looking for men and women who will be servant-leaders for us- who will raise their hands and say "here I am," to serve Him as elders or deacons. Even now, we'd be blessed if more men and women signed on to minister to us...and for Christ... by joining our choir, and even now, many of our ministry teams (committees, if you will) are woefully understaffed and not representative of our corporate vision. Last Thursday... was the first day when any of us had the chance to respond to our Property Committee's call for help. It was in the bulletin last Sunday, and we mentioned it as well... but no one showed up... other than the same old handful. Of course there are exceptions. I'm confident that if we find a way of helping our younger famlies help us by scheduling our meetings and activities when they're not working, many of them will, and we all owe a debt of gratitude to elder Deryl Miller, who has taught over 100 kids and adults to read and do math. I try to keep my eye on the glass that's half-full... but most nominating committee members that I've ever known have been half-afraid to ask people to serve... because they expect to hear an excuse! And they might receive one, but they won't hear anything more than God hasn't already heard. Some people, like Moses, tell God that they're not qualified, which is pretty much the same as telling God that He's made a mistake. Moses asked, "Who am I to go to Pharoah?" and then went on to say that he couldn't speak; Jeremiah said he wasn't old enough (as you heard in our Old Testament passage); and Amos wasn't properly trained (although to his credit, he didn't let that stop him). Some people, like the men who turned down their invitations to the banquet, tell God that they can't follow Him because they have a higher calling. Luke 14:8ff makes it clear that many people don't answer God's call because they have more important things to do. Like the man who had just purchased new land, or the man who just had to try out his new team of oxen, some people tell God- in this case, God Incarnate, that they have greater priorities. Some people, like the man who had to bury his father, tell God that His call just doesn't fit into their schedule. It seems that they will let Him know when, and if, they ever have time for Him. Some people, like Jonah, simply don't want to do what God is asking them to do (which, in Jonah's case was giving the people of Nineveh a chance to repent). Today, our Jonahs' say "no" to showing God's love to modern-day "Ninevites" who are gay, black, or unsavory. Some people, like the rich and religious young man who walked away from Jesus, (Mark 10:17ff)  simply don't want to pay the price of saying "yes" to God. It's not that they're confused- they're not. In fact, they know that God knows that they are able to do big things for Him... so they keep their hands down, or in a technological sense, they screen God's calls. Some people think that, unless they are being called to change or lead the world, God's call is too small for them. If they get a chance for center stage, they'll grab it, but if they're being called to set up chairs or clean dishes, they pretend that they don't hear. Some people won't answer God's call because they're not perfect, but God wouldn't have called Moses or David, or anyone else ...if this excuse held water. 

Excuses for not answering God's call are legion, but they tend to fall into one of these categories:

1)      I am not able.
2)      I am not ready.
3)      I am not perfect.
4)      I am not the pastor.
5)      I am not willing.

The answers to which are

 1) of course you're not, but God is, and besides He has given you many gifts;
 2) So what? Who says? And if it's required, getting ready is part of the response.
 3) Who is, and what's that got to do with anything? We're ALL sinners.
 4) Pastor's have their own calling and it may not be your calling. However, the church would  
     collapse without elders, deacons, and members who give their hearts and their all to Christ.
 5) Well, this excuse, at least, is honest... but it's NOT acceptable because answering God's call and
     following Christ is what it means to be fully alive!

Friends, God is calling you. He is calling you through His word, and even through these words. He is calling you through your dreams and through your nightmares. He is calling you through the abilities and interests that He has given you, and He is calling you through the things that break your heart. He is calling you to build, tear down, open, close, stand with, walk with, minister to, sing to, teach, pray with, pray for, and fellowship with... His people within and outside His church. Friends, God is on the phone. Answer His call now. No excuses. Amen.

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