Thursday, May 9, 2019


      In the 5th chapter of Matthew, Jesus began to teach about God's kingdom. Life is different in the kingdom of God, he said. Values are different and things are measured in different ways. In the kingdom, he said, those who are last actually win and those who turn the other cheek are faithful. In the kingdom of God, he said, those who mourn and seek God will be blessed. He went on to announce other blessings in what is now known as the "beatitudes," but his sermon on the mount went on for three full chapters! There are many ways in which the kingdom of God differs from the broken world we know,,, but based on his Sermon on the Mount and other things he said, it seems that these are some of the things that we are called to do as his community on earth:
1. We are called to walk humbly with God... because people who are "full of themselves" or "drunk on their own wine" will not see the kingdom of God;
2. We are called to see that we are blind... because there are none as blind as those who cannot see that. Without Christ, our vision of who we and our neighbors are... is dim and distorted;
3. We are called to mourn for a broken world. The world is filled with people who are troubled, lost, empty, and oppressed. Everyday, people die in needless ways, and the wounded-ness that comes from all of this sin and death... cries for someone to hear and get involved;
4. We are called to a vocation! God has equipped each one of us with talents and spiritual gifts... and he has given us the opportunity to use them for his kingdom here on earth. It may take courage, patience, and preparation... but God has a unique work for each one of us;
5. We are called to walk by faith! We must take a leap of faith because we cannot reason our way to God. Indeed, faith goes on where reason falters... because the greatest things in life are inexplicable and unmeasurable;
6. We are called to be radically inclusive... because there is no gay or straight, no black or white, no male or female, no able-bodied and disabled... in Christ.
7. We (you and me) are called to be the salt and the light of the world. It is our job to preserve the world... and to flavor it with joy and hope. In Christ, we are the light of the world because there is no other real light!
8. We are called to make forgiving a way of life. As Christians, we are called to forgive again and again... until people make fun of us and we feel a little silly ourselves ... because God's forgiveness knows no bounds;
9. We are called to trust God and live in the moment, letting others carry the burdens of the past and the worries of tomorrow, if they insist. We dance with today because today is all that we ever have;
10 We are called to keep our feet moving- to keep praying, keep inviting, keep serving, and to keep searching for the face of Christ in the least among us.
       We are called to do many other things as well, but let these be your Top 10 list of things to do for Christ. It is my prayer that you will find a way of doing them in your own life!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Ken. You always seem to hit the nail on the head with just what I need for the day.

    Give Sherry my love for a Happy Mother's Day.
