Saturday, May 11, 2019


People often ask me about heaven. Will grandpa and grandma be there? How about my poodle, "Itty Bit"? People wonder about heaven. My son died when he was 3, grandpa lived to be 103- will one be forever a toddler and one forever old? Will there be diapers in heaven? Cub fans? I don't know... but I do know that the river of life runs through heaven and I know that heaven will be filled with forgiven sinners- some of whom gave their life for Christ and some of whom cried out, "Remember me." I don't know whose names are written in the Book of Life, but I know that heaven will be filled with people who trusted in Christ through thick and thin. I also know that heaven will be a place without hospitals, prisons, or graveyards. There will be no violence, no scorecards; no Alzheimer's, no cancer, no addiction, not even any knee replacements in heaven.

I don't remember the year, but I do recall our daughter, Kendra, crying about heaven. She was very distraught and she didn't want to go to heaven... because someone had told her that, in heaven, all she would ever do is float around on a cloud. She thought that would be boring and she wanted no part of it. Well, the apostle John didn't see anyone floating on clouds, but through his vision- his Revelation- he did find himself near the very throne of God. (Rev. 7:9-17) He saw a vast multitude of diverse people from every nation. The gathering was not an exclusive affair. It wasn't restricted to white people, to men, or to any particular people because these ways of dividing us don't exist in Christ. The people were united only in their worship and in their belief that salvation belongs to God and to the Lamb. Then, one of the elders asked John if he knew who the people clad in white robes were and where they came from. Well, John must have shrugged his shoulders, because the elder went on to say: "These are they who came out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." These are the martyrs who placed faith above life itself. These are the Christians who stayed the course, even when others discriminated against them, even when they lost their jobs, buried their children, and wondered if the storm clouds would ever pass over them. These are those who clung to the old rugged cross and considered it a pleasure to share Christ with others! They come from here and there and everywhere. Some of them suffered more than others, some of them were pushed to the edge of giving up, some of them were murdered for believing... but they kept on believing, worshiping, serving, and sharing God's grace-filled and empowering love with others!

And because of their steadfast faith and trust in God's salvation- you see them standing here, before the throne and the Lamb, singing their songs of faith and praise! This is heaven- that faithful people of all shapes, tongues, and colors are gathered in love to praise the One who atoned for their sins and rose in victory over death. These people who are singing their songs of praise... will never hunger again. Nor will they thirst. The Lamb will be their Shepherd and God will wipe away everyone of their tears. I don't know much about heaven, but I know enough to want to be there. They say that I may be surprised by some of the people I see there. Perhaps I will, but some of the people I see there will be amazed to see me! Actually I don't care. I just look forward to joining a throng of sinners who kept their faith in Christ, in the best of times and in the worst of times.

I want to encourage you to lift up a "saint" who has touched your life. Most of us have not known martyrs, but we have known people who have kept and shared their faith, no matter what was going on, through life's trials and ordeals. We've known people who walked this earth with a quiet and unshakeable assurance that they were walking with God. Lift them up now as we honor our Mother's and remember those upon whose shoulders we stand. There have been people in our lives who have shown us the way and what it means to be a Christian- Will Miner, Dave Markusse, Dave Nixon, Jeff Arduser....  Whom do you owe? Thank God for them now. Amen.

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