Monday, May 28, 2018


      Well, it's Memorial Day again, and once again we are called to honor those who gave their lives by answering our country's call. Over the years men and women have answered our country's call and put sacrifice ahead of life. It began on April 19, 1775 when the War for Independence broke out. 10,623 people died in that war and another 6800 died just a few years later in the War of 1812. Millions answered the call to win the War that was supposed to end all wars on July 28, 1914... and 300,000 died. WW2 was more than twice as costly... and my father's co-pilot died on the cliffs of Dover. His name was Ken, or Kenny, and I was named after him. Viet Nam took more than 200,000 lives and our War on Terror has already cost 22,000 of our heroes their lives. When I was in Rock Island, we conducted dozens of funerals at the Arsenal, and while I was waiting for the service to begin, I would sometimes walk around the graves and take in the courage, the grace and the holiness of it all. Many have given their lives in response to our country's call and we recognize them on this holiday, which is much more than the unofficial beginning of summer, because it's not about us at all!
      But there are other calls, aren't there? And none of them are more important than God's call in our lives! In the year that King Uzziah died (740BC) Isaiah was in the temple when it was filled with the presence of God. There were angels too and Isaiah was overwhelmed by a feeling of unworthiness. He was justified by the touch of a hot coal and then he heard the voice of God saying, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us!" It was as plain as day and Isaiah shouted out, "Here I am! Send me!" Send me to go to where I don't know and use me for as long as you please.You know, the Bible tells us about several "call" stories- Jonah, Samuel, and Paul among them- and there are many stories of men and women answering God's call in our own time. Mother Teresa, Corrie TenBoom, and Billy Graham stand out... but I want to focus on God's call in our lives because we're all being called to action. Each one of us is being called to do something important for Christ, within our own context and with our own talents and gifts. Each one of us is called to do something that needs to be done and fulfills a need in us. Some of us are called to preach, some are called to teach, and some are called to sing or play music... and if God is calling you to do such things, you ought to do them. However, most callings that have nothing to do with a far away mission field, or with a chancel in a church somewhere. Let me mention Tammy Boggs, who answered God's call to take care of and look after our church property. Of course, she doesn't do it alone, but she does a lot of it. Just during the last few weeks, she has seen to it that I have WiFi and phone service in my office, done repair work on our windows and doors, helped clean up our property, and wired a section of our downstairs. I don't know when it happened, but when God called, "whom shall I send?" she said, "send me."
      I remember Pat Gollier from my time in Joliet. Among other things, Pat led our Prayer Group for well over 4 decades. It wasn't our most popular ministry and sometimes there were just a couple people who joined Pat, but year after year, without fanfare, she led a group in prayer... because God had called her to be a Prayer Warriior. In Rock Island, there were three church members who were called to attend funerals for people in our church and others whom they knew. No one asked them to do it. It wasn't official, but there they were- Vic, Dianne, and Don- for funerals big and small, to pay their respects in another family's sacred hour. In the same church, we had a number of women who spent hours making Prayers Shawls for members and friends of the church who were in need of comfort and love. We blessed these shawls during church services and they touched peoples' lives for Christ in powerful ways, including my wife's. We had an elder in Joliet named Jan Gehrig, who heard God calling her to get involved in a ministry of empowerment and social justice. We weren't the most likely candidate for this sort of a ministry, but Jan wouldn't let go of it. She said, 'Send me," and led us into a citywide ministry of justice and empowerment. God calls each of us to do something for him- something that will bring us joy and help repair the world. Last Thursday I visited our Resale Shop because I think it's an exciting place. I wanted to talk with our church members, but they were too busy to talk with me. People were coming in, things were being sold, and many really good things were being received as donations. They were too busy ministering to chat with me, but what about you? What is God calling you to do? Where can you bring a bit of joy to yourself and others?
      God is calling each one of us through 1) our prayers, especially when we listen; 2) our Bible studies, especially when we ask questions; and 3) the issues that affect the lives of the people we know here. Get into prayer, study, and community... and you will have a much better chance of hearing God speak to you! Consider the 4) skills and talents that God has given to you. What do you do well? Consider what you have to offer and then find a way of using it for God. If you're an introvert, help us think things through, help us organize, help us discern who we are and where we should go; and if you are an extrovert, organize a get-together or go out and invite someone to join us. Consider the things that 5) cause you concern and 6) break your heart. Consider your tears because God may be calling you through your pain and the burdens you carry for others. Consider 7 7) your passions as well. Since I was a counselor for the Iowa Commission for the Blind in an earlier life and since Sherry worked for Access Living in Chicago for years, we are quick to notice things like ramps and large print Bibles. Some people don't give these things much thought, but they are passionate about poverty, gun violence, or drunk driving. Some people have a passion for inviting new people to church, others have a passion for reaching members who've drifted away and become inactive, and still others don't give either group much thought. As a people we're blessed with different gifts, different stories, and different voices... and we will be stronger if each one of us responds to God when He calls us.
      In the year that someone I loved or something within me died, I was in church, as I had been a hundred times before, when I became aware that God was calling me. I'm not sure why I hadn't heard it before, but I heard God's voice just as clearly as I hear any voice. He was asking "Whom shall I send?" and "Who will go for us?"... and although I've never been one to get involved too deeply, I found myself raising my hand as if I was back in school. "Here I am," I cried, as I waved my hand in the air, "Here I am, send me!" On this Memorial Day, as we honor those who gave their lives in response to our country's call, let us open our own hearts and minds to God's call in our own lives. Each one of us has something to do for God- something that will bless us and some part of the community. Listen now.... listen and pray. Listen and pray, experience a burning coal if you must. Then raise your hand and say, "Send me, Lord!" Amen.

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