Saturday, January 21, 2017


      Every January, many of us make New Year’s resolutions. We vow to quit drinking, smoking, or behaving badly. We vow to work on our bucket list, learn a new language, or work in a food kitchen. We vow to get fit- to tone our muscles, lose the belly fat, develop healthier relationships, and save more money. We want to be happier, wealthier, safer, sexier… and if we want these things badly enough, we may actually do the work that is necessary to bring them about. There is nothing wrong with most of these resolutions. Who can argue with a larger bank balance and a larger circle of friends? Or a better diet? No one thinks that it would be a great idea to drink and smoke more, but our focus today is on SPIRITUAL FITNESS because, as Augustine noted, our hearts will never rest until they rest in God! 
      Spiritual fitness is not an esoteric notion for a small group of eggheads, but an existential reality that is important- critically important- for each one of us. Friends, we will never be our best selves; we will never grow to spiritual maturity in our faith; and we will never experience the peace, assurance, and joy that Christ promises us… unless we get …and stay spiritually fit, which will require some work, an even greater amount of focus, and perhaps an even greater amount of perseverance. Your future will be much, much brighter… if you become spiritually fit… and intentional disciples of Jesus Christ. So, let me share some of the goals that I am committed to in the new year… with the hope that you may agree with some, if not most, of them yourselves.

      In 2017, I resolve to engage in DAILY Bible Study. It may come from a devotional, it may from a study guide, I may ask the pastor for help, I may select a book like the Gospel of John and read a verse or two a day- carefully and reflectively- but I will let God’s word in Scripture speak to me in the new year;

      In 2017, I resolve to make prayer a DAILY discipline, just like brushing my teeth and combing my hair. I won’t wait until it comes naturally. I won’t wait until I feel like it, or until I am magically “good at it.” I will speak… and listen to God… every day… until I am comfortable opening my heart to him in an authentic and vulnerable way;

      In 2017, I will “let go” of the things I cannot change, whether they're about a past that is long dead, or worries about a future than may never arrive. I understand that it won’t be easy to accomplish this goal. It will take disciplined work… but with God’s help, I can let go of the things that I control;
            In 2017, I will be more forgiving, not in theory, but in reality, I will forgive specific people for specific things, knowing that, by forgiving, I will set myself free. I won’t worry about whether it’s fair or not, I won’t bog down in self-righteous excuses, I will simply trust in God and forgive… because my Savior has forgiven me;

      In 2017, I resolve to be a cheerleader for others. I will root for underdogs and I will stand and applaud when others are recognized- even when I think that I deserve the recognition. Rather than being a step behind or in front of the crowd, I will try to “fit in” in this year. I will walk WITH my fellows toward a common goal:

      In 2017, I resolve to honor the Image of God in every person I meet… and I will insist that others honor the Image of God in me. I will neither be a judge nor a punching bag for others and I will look for Christ is others, especially in those where it is harder to see. This will not come naturally to me. I know that. But with God’s help and with a disciplined effort, I can learn to see God in others. If I don’t, I may not be able to see Him at all;

      In 2017, I will do something- at least one thing- that is outside of my comfort zone. If I've been giving 2% of my income to Christ, I will give 3%; if I’ve never given clothing or food to the poor, I will do so; if I’ve never taken the time to listen to, or come to know, someone who thinks, believes, and lives differently than I do, I will find a way to open my mind to their worldview this year;

      In 2017, I will come to grips with my secrets and my sins, and I will give them to Christ. I will confess them, let them go, and live as a new man or woman for my Lord, knowing that I don’t have to carry the same old baggage around with me for the rest of my life;

      In 2017, I will get involved… and change the things I can. If I think the choir should be stronger, I will join the choir; if I think the church ought to have more Bible study, I will teach, or at least attend one; if I would like to see the church get involved in a small group ministry, I will form one. And I think the church needs more members, I will invite my friends and neighbors, or help finance mailings, and other ways of reaching out. Instead of being a judge, I will be a player in the coming year.

      Amen. That’s nine. There could be 29, but you have the idea. If you want to be spiritually fit, you will have to be intentional about it… and you will have to do some work, If you want to be spiritually fit, you will have to get out of your comfort zones and take some risks, and if you want to grow spiritually you will have to let go of what was… and see the NOW through eyes of faith. Amen.

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