Sunday, January 29, 2017


      In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne. His majesty filled the temple. Angels were shouting "Holy, Holy, Holy," and I was filled with dread... for I was a sinner, who lived amongst sinners. Just then, one of the seraphs touched my lips with a burning coal. The Lord had blotted out my sin and then, He said, "Whom shall I send?" And I said, "Send me!" Send me, Lord, to embrace the lepers, send me to welcome the children, send me to fight for justice, send me to teach your word, or build your church, or sing your songs. Send me!
      This is an account of Isaiah's call (Isaiah 6), but it is also very much about us...and today, I'd like to focus on God's call in our lives... because each one of us has a calling! We all have a calling- a calling that is every bit as real as Peter's call to preach at Pentecost or Mother Teresa's call to love the dying in Calcutta. We're all called to serve God with our own unique gifts in our own unique life settings, and there is no exception to this. God's call is an important thing and, if we're to find a place of joy in our own lives, it's important to answer God's it. So, with that in mind, I will focus on hearing God's call... because I think that most of us are willing... if we hear God calling. Yes, some of us drag our feet. Some let the phone ring because they don't want to serve or sacrifice, but in my experience, the bigger problem is that people simply don't hear God calling... or when they do, they can't discern whether it's God voice or their own. Hearing God's call requires spiritual maturity, sensitivity to context, and self-awareness Therefore, let me offer the following thoughts:

1. God's calls us to service, NOT greatness. Our service may lead to greatness, but more likely, God call us to serve him in, what some would say, are "little" ways... but there's nothing little about giving a hand, or a meal, or a coat, or visiting someone who is lonely and isolated.  I knew a young man in a 12-step group who really wanted to be involved. He wanted to be in charge. He was eager to be seen with a mic in his hand, but when he was asked to bring a disabled member to meetings, for an indefinite period of time, without notice or fanfare, his interest waned. And he's not the only one. Many people don't hear God's call because they think it has got to be a) about them and b) something really BIG. God calls us to serve;
2. Secondly, let me suggest that your chances of hearing God's call will increase dramatically if you are in conversation with Him through prayer and Scripture. If you're not talking with God, you won't hear his voice, and you won't even care about listening unless you develop an intimate relationship with him through prayer and the Bible. If God is a stranger to you, you won't trust him enough to pick the phone;
3.  Thirdly, God will call you within the context of your own life.
     a. Consider your skill set, what do you do well? What don't you do well? If you can't speak, you won't enjoy preaching, and if you don't love the people, you won't survive as a pastor. When I first came to church, I was very passionate about Jesus and I sang right out loud. I made a "joyful noise," but at the end of a service, the saint behind me said, "I just love it when people who can't sing... sing anyway." It was then that I knew, for sure, that God was NOT calling me to the choir. If you don't have much of an attention span, it will be hard for you to learn Hebrew and Greek, and if you don't know up from down, you may not want to go into engineering. In short, while your vocation may not be your calling, there are times when God's call does require a set of experience and skills;
      b. Consider your talents and blessings. If you're wealthy, you are called to share your wealth (period); if you can sing like a bird, you are called to sing; if your attention to detail drives other people crazy, join the finance committee; if you would rather "move and do," instead of discussing and debating, become a deacon and let the elders do the debating; if you are outgoing and energetic, start a small group and arrange events; if you're a prayer warrior, join or lead the prayer chain; and if you're an athlete, arrange a golf outing or a bowling event. Listen to your blessings, consider your talents, and you will often hear God voice;
      c. Consider your tears. What makes you cry? What breaks your heart? For some it is child abuse, for some it is gun violence, for some it is education, for some it is disappearing jobs. But what is it for you? Find that thing that breaks your heart... and you may well find you calling;
     d.  Consider the people whom God has placed in your life. Think about their issues, their needs, their joys, their struggles, their words. Maybe they are messengers, speaking to you for God. For instance, since my wife worked for a Disability Rights Org. in Chicago while I was in seminary, wheelchair ramps and handicapped parking spots were very important to her and the people around her. They rejoiced when President Bush 41 signed the American Disabilities Act... but many other people never gave the matter any thought. But those same people might have lost a loved one to drunk driving or had someone in their family struggling with PTSD. Listen to the people and issues that God has already placed on your plate and you may find your calling;
      e.  Consider your community and your church. What do they need? What are they threatened by? Where can you help?
      Jesus called Peter and John and the others, and they followed him immediately! They dropped what they were doing, turned their backs on their livelihoods, and followed him. Others, like Jeremiah and Moses, argued with God, suggesting that they weren't qualified; Jonah even ran from God, and millions upon millions have simply let his call go unanswered. Some of them were too busy, some of them were burdened by sin, some of them thought that, unless they were a saint, they wouldn't get a call from God, and some of them just didn't want to get involved in God's work. But God called nonetheless. He showed up in their lives and asked them to serve him in a variety of ways, and God will do the same for you, if he hasn't do so already.
      If you equip yourself spiritually and listen to your life, you will hear God calling. Perhaps you already have, perhaps you will. I hope so... because God has a purpose for you! Believe this... taste a burning coal if you must... raise your hand... and shout, "Send me!" Amen.

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