Monday, December 21, 2015


Isaiah 6:1ff... In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord (and I cried) woe is me... for I am a man of unclean lips. The Lord touched my lips and took my guilt away, and then I heard him say, "Whom shall I send! And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

     In the Presbyterian Church, we nominate, elect, ordain, and install ruling elders (presbyters) every year, and we do that at a special worship service which frequently features the text of Isaiah 6... and the song, "Is It I, Lord?" These ordination services are designed to focus on each elder's personal responsibility to answer God's call in his or her own life... but we are all called to serve God- each one of us- with our own God-given talents and gifts! There are no exceptions! God calls to each one of us- whom shall I send to proclaim my word. teach my truths, love my disciples, invite their neighbors, feed the hungry, visit the sick and the lonely, listen to voices long silenced, liberate those who are shut-in, shut-out, shut-down, and shut-away, stand up for justice, sing my songs?  There are no exceptions. Each one of you is invited to minister for your God, and He awaits your answer! Will it be "yes" or "no?"
      Most of us will say "no" because the cost of serving God will seem too high. We would rather watch than get involved. We would rather visit that join. We would rather stay home than attend or teach a Bible Study class... or sing in the choir... or clean the sanctuary on Monday morning. Most of us will say "no" to God's call because saying "yes" would be inconvenient for us. We may be willing to write a check or two. but we really don't want to actually feed the poor or visit the sick. Giving, too, is a substantial service to God, but if we are asked to give sacrificially, most of us will find a way of saying "no." Most of us would rather attend church than follow Christ as a cross-carrying disciple. This is the way it is, the way it's always been, and most likely, the way it will be in the future.
      But every now and then... God will invite someone to preach to a people who won't listen, teach to a people who refuse to learn, invite a people who won't show up, and love a people who won't love us in return. Every now and then, God will invite someone to do a thankless job and to do it for a lifetime... and that man or woman will say "yes!" There are people- I've known a few- who raise their hands and say, "SEND ME!" These are those who believe that they will save their lives by losing them for God's... and they are those who will one day... be with their God forever and ever.
      There are many great questions in the Bible, but few of them are more important than this one because it separates the "sheep from the goats." It is my prayer that you will raise your hand and say, "Send me." It is my prayer that you will experience the freedom and the joy that surrender brings. Vow this day to give the Lord a hand- not by applauding as he walks by- but by journeying with Him as he walks along the narrow way. Choose this day to serve. Listen to your own life story, listen to your passions and your tears, consider what God has laid on your heart and what talents He has give to you... AND RAISE YOUR HAND! Raise your hand and shout it out, "HERE I AM, LORD. SEND ME!"

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