Thursday, December 10, 2015

Who am I that you would care about me?

      Many of you know the 8th Psalm. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name! When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place... what is humankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?
      Yes, it is true. As Christians, we believe that we have an awesome God. Scientists suggest that we are fortunate products of an impersonal selection process, and they further maintain that our inspiring moon, our magnificent mountains, and our majestic waters are simply the product of natural forces. But our faith calls us to see something much greater than this. Our faith invites us to see God's hand in every lovely thing, and with eyes of faith, our hearts leap for joy... when we take in all that God has made. People ask, "how can we explain the beauty of our world," but people of faith fall to their knees and praise God for the work of His hands.
      People without faith are blind to God's work in and for the world... but even people of faith... often struggle with David's question: O God, what are we that you would consider us? Who am I that you would care about me? O Lord, I am embarrassed to pray for myself because I am so small and my life is so insignificant! Can it be that you really care if my heart is breaking today, that I am lonely tonight, or that I have a big interview tomorrow? Do any of my concerns rise to your level, O Lord? How can it be? How can the God of creation care about one of his creatures, and how can the God of all people care about each one of us?
      I can understand a God who is to big to be known, but it's a hard to fathom a God who knows my name! But it is true. God has created us and called us to be his people. He has a plan for each one of us, and he listens to our joys and concerns (as any good father would). We may receive mail marked "occupant," and we may be called by a number as we queue up. Our neighbors may not know our name... but God does! This is the great truth of it. God DOES care for you... and even for me! God DOES watch over us and God DOES hear our prayers! God is not too big to notice us... but he is big enough to cheer us on, cry for us... and even die for us!
      In my view, struggling with the question: O God, who am I that you would be mindful of me? leads us to a peace that passes all understanding... and to a confidence that the world will never be able to squelch. Amen.

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