Saturday, May 25, 2013


I walked through a county courthouse square. On a park bench, an old man was sittin’ there. I said, Your old flag pole in leaned a little bit, and that’s a ragged old flag you got sittin’ on it.” “Well,” he said, “I don’t like to brag, but we’re kinda proud of that ragged old flag. You see, we got a little hole in that flag there, when Washington took it across the Delaware, and it got powder burned the night Francis Scott Key sat watching it, writing ‘Say Can You See.’ It got a rip in New Orleans, with Packingham and Jackson tugging at its seams. She got cut with a sword at Chancellorsville, and she got cut again at Shiloh Hill. There was Robert E Lee and Beauregard and Bragg, and the south wind blew hard on that ragged old flag. On Flanders Field in World War 1, she got a big hole from a Bertha gun. She turned blood red in World War 2. She hung limp, and low, a time or two. She was in Korea and Viet Nam. She went where she was sent by her Uncle Same. She waved from our ships upon the briny foam, and now they’ve about quit wavin’ back here at home. In her own good land, she’s been abused. She’s been burned, dishonored, denied, and refused. And she’s getting thread bare and she’s wearin’ thin, but she’s in good shape for the shape she’s in. So we raise her up every morning, and we bring her down slow every night. We don’t let her touch the ground, and we fold her up right. On 2nd thought, I do like to brag, cause I’m mighty proud of that ragged old flag.” Yes, it is Memorial Day, and at its core, Memorial Day is a day for us to pay tribute to those who have died in service to our country, and to our “ragged old flag” that Johnny Cash sang about. It is a day that invites, even urges, us to remember because there is honor and power in remembering. Friday, we held a graveside service at the Arsenal for William Holmberg, and I was struck again by the holiness of the place. We drove through the Veteran’s Cemetery, and as always, I was moved by the thousands of white crosses dotting the immaculate grounds. It was even more beautiful Friday because each resting place was decorated with an American flag and people were putting flower arrangements on their loved one’s grave. Bill had a military service and the honor guard joined us, and no matter how many times I see it, I’m always touched by the dignity with which they present the flag (in this case, to Barbara), and I experience deep gratitude when the honor guard fires their rifles. As a student of history, I am well aware of the sins of our fathers, but their vision was great and God-centered and they did what they had to do- and more- to keep our freedoms alive. Countless numbers of them died for policies they might not have agreed with and they sacrificed for people who may not have been grateful, but the cause of freedom and justice is far greater than any political party or agenda. Jesus said that there is no greater love than giving up one’s life for another, and we must never forget that freedom is very costly. So today, on this day which is partly for Veterans, partly for remembering all of those who have touched our lives, and partly for celebrating the start of summer with a 3 day, and in some cases, a 4-day weekend, I will pause to recognize my father and two uncles who saw combat in World War 2, and all of you who put country before self as well. Would you please stand is you are a veteran? The red in the American flag (as we just told the kids) symbolizes valor and sacrifice, white represents purity and innocence, and blue signifies perseverance and justice. I have already spoken in praise of this flag, but there is one flag in this sanctuary that is even greater. It waves in praise of our Lord, who gave up divinity to carry a cross for us. It waves in celebration of the Holy Spirit, who is the wind beneath our sails, and it invites us to worship our God, who created us and who is re-creating us even now. It is the freest flag on earth, owing allegiance to no man, or to any cause no matter how good. The first pledge to the Christian flag was written by a Methodist pastor, and I invite you to join me as we offer this pledge now. Repeat after me: I pledge allegiance to my flag and the Savior for whose kingdom it stands; one brotherhood uniting all mankind in service and love. Let’s do this once again, this time using a version that is often used in conservative churches. Repeat after me: I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands; one savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty for all who believe.” Remembering what God has done for us, remembering how God has blessed us, remembering the first time you trusted and surrendered to Him, remembering the times when the Holy Spirit has given you voice, or courage, or grace- friends, this is the source of your hope and your confidence. As I’m sure you know, the white on the Christian flag represents purity and grace; the blue square in the left corner stands for truth and faith; and the red symbolizes the atoning blood and love of Christ Jesus. Two flags- two tales of sacrifice and love. Remember these on Memorial Day tomorrow and for that matter, every day, because remembering is a source of great power. Kierkegaard noted that “the more a man remembers, the more divine he becomes,” and this makes sense to me because, in remembering, we touch wisdom and courage, vision and grace, that is greater than we have, or even the sum of the people we know have. There is greatness and strength in connecting to our collective and individual memories, which is one of the reasons that I am a big genealogy and history buff. It was no less a man than Lincoln who said, “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all of my life.” Isn’t it the truth? Aren’t our mothers’ prayers every bit as important to our direction in life- the roads we take and the things we stand for- as any book or study we may have in our hands? One of our forefathers noted that “America will cease to be great if she ceases to be good,” and that thought also makes a lot of sense to me because we can’t really leave our mark unless we remember who and whose we are. I don’t know much about Kate Perry, other than that she’s famous, but I did like this. When someone asked her about the tattoo she has on her wrist, she said, “I got this tattoo of Jesus put on my wrist when I was 18 so that it would always be part of me. Now, when I’m performing on stage, it stares right back at me, saying, “Remember where you came from.” I like that. I can’t think of much that I dislike more than tattoos, but I do know that we are easy prey if we forget who and whose we are and what we stand for. Knowing who we are is a wonderful gift and I hope that you will take time this weekend to thank those people in your life who have made you who you are today. Take a moment and list those who have encouraged you, taught you, maybe challenged you, and who have set you on the path you trod today. Who introduced you to Christ? Who led you to church? Who loved you with no strings attached? When you were up, whose hands were applauding you, and when you were down, whose hands were reaching for you? Who took the time to hear you when you needed to be heard, and who has walked with you when the terrain has gotten steep? If the people on your list have passed on, visit their graves, and if they are still alive, tell them how much you appreciate them. Tell them that they have given you moments that will live within you as long as you live. Remembering is a great source of power, and God has called us to “remember” from the beginning to the end of Scripture. When He liberated his people from slavery, He said, “This day shall be a day of remembrance for you” (Ex. 12.14) and as they began to consecrate their first-born to God, Moses said to the people, (Ex. 13.3), “Remember this day on which you came out of the house of slavery.” To the extent that they remembered the Lord’s steadfast love and saving acts, the Israelites had a much better chance of staying faithful, and it is the same for us as we gather here this morning. Whenever he grew weary, Martin Luther would repeat over and over again, “Baptimatus sum. I am baptized,” and in saying these words, he tapped into the source of his strength. On the road to Emmaus (Lk 24.27), Jesus challenged Cleopas and his friend to remember the words of Scripture concerning him, and (Lk 24.6) when Mary stood at the empty tomb sobbing, the angel urged her to remember what Jesus had said about rising on the 3rd day. Moreover, the Lord’s Supper itself is, in many ways, a sacrament of remembrance. Indeed, Billy Graham once said, “I’m going to heaven just like the thief on the cross, with the words, ‘Lord, remember me,’ on my lips.” For Christians, every Sunday is Memorial Day. Every Sunday is an opportunity for us to celebrate all that God has done for us. Every Sunday invites us to put our own interests aside and to gather to praise God for his love, which was most powerfully shown on Calvary’s Hill. Amen.

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