Thursday, August 29, 2024




O, for the good life! We all want the good life… but we don’t quite know how to get it, or even what it is. Is it a life of wealth? Will money bring happiness and, if so, how much money will it take and how long will it last? Plato noted that an “unexamined life” isn’t worth living, and Maslow said that becoming who we are is as good as life gets! A painter must paint. A singer must sing. Does the good life rest on family, or friends, laughter, good deeds, or the choices we make? The “night life,” the singer sang, “ain’t no good life”… but a life without song isn’t all that good either.


What is the “good life” made of? Well, there are almost as many suggestions as there are people. Stay curious, travel, trust yourself and others, take chances and accept risks, choose relationships over possessions, be disciplined, be present, quit people-pleasing, forgive yourself and others, keep family first, live generously, live gratefully? When the people of God reached the Jordan River, Joshua cried out, “Choose this day whom you will serve, the gods your fathers served, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Choose this moment… to get involved in something that will result in a lot of pain, or to be true to your God and to those who love you! Choose this moment to serve yourself… or to serve your community. Choose this moment to speak the truth in love… or to say what you think others want to hear. Choose this moment to thank God for your daily bread… or to let it go because you’re dining in public.

“Everything you are comes from your choices.” Jeff Bezos noted, and Anne Frank added, “Our lives are fashioned by our choices. First we make our choices. Then our choices make us.”


The “good life,” it seems, is not out there, somewhere, waiting to be found… but the product of the choices we make as we walk through life! We don’t have to surrender to God, but we can; we don’t have to love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves, but we can; we don’t have to invest in Bible Study, worship, and ministry, but we can. We don’t have to choose the path less traveled, but we can. We don’t have to forgive the one whom we need to forgive, but we can.


According to Proverbs, Solomon must have believed what many of the old folks believed in my youth- that the good life is built on obedient love and prudent decisions. The good life will be ours… if we honor God, obey our fathers, hang out with good kids, and stay far, far away from unruly women. The good life is measured more by the restraint we’ve shown and the good deeds we have done… than the fun we’ve had Honoring God is the foundation to a good life, but beware of unruly women and rowdy men! Invest in knowing the Lord and show that you know the Holy One by using accurate weights in the market. Don’t get drunk on your own wine.

Let me close with some of the ways in which Christ lived a good life here on earth:

1. His life was all about love! Love for God and love for our neighbors!

2. From beginning to end, His life was all about forgiveness! He came into the world to save our souls and died with the words, “Father, forgive them,” on his lips.

3. His life was filled with prayer! He prayed well into the night, he prayed very early in the morning, he prayed daily and thanked His Father for daily bread, he prayed at Gethsemane, and just before he died. He loved to talk with his Father!

4. His life was about invitation and acceptance. Jesus drew scandalous circles of grace because people of all sorts found hope, healing, comfort, and direction in his presence.

5. Jesus didn’t judge others and he had trouble with those who did

6. Jesus knew that people needed money to meet their needs… but he reminded us to lay our treasure up in heaven,

7. Jesus always spoke the truth in love!


Love. Without judgment. Know that you are accepted. And forgive… until people think that you’re crazy. Pray big prayers, little prayers, formal prayers, casual prayers, pray before meals and pray as you drive around. Love others as you find them and help them become all that they can become. Give until others call you a “fool,” and you will have the good life. Amen!

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