Monday, September 4, 2017


To:  My grandson and my great-grandson
RE; Spiritual "TIPS" from Poppy

Dear boys, when you embark your own spiritual journeys... keep the following 12 observations in mind. I have found them to be important in my own life and they will be helpful to you if you choose to give your heart and to God.

1)  A life based on your own wants and pleasures... will leave you frustrated and empty in the end. It will be far more rewarding to invest in others and to serve God in all that you do. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that it's all about you;
2)  You are (or will become) what you believe. Don't let anyone tell you that it doesn't matter what you believe, just as long as you believe something. In my view, nothing could be further from the truth. Beliefs matter;
3)  Yesterday is dead and while it may provide memories, don't allow it to affect your life in the now. Tomorrow is God's time and it is never promised to us. It is okay to dream about it and even to plan for it, but don't sacrifice your daily life for it. Today is yours. In fact, it is all that anyone of us will ever have-so embrace it with joy;
4)  Read the Bible! It is God's word and it is a wonderful guide to what is important and worthy of attention. If you read the Bible in a regular way, your way will be clearer and your burdens will be less; 
5)  You cannot give what you do not have... so fill yourself with all that is good and lovely. Years ago we used the acronym,"GIGO," for computer processes. It meant "Garbage In-Garbage Out," and it applies to all of our relationships as well. Feed your mind and your soul with what is good and beneficial;
6)  Doubt is NOT the opposite of faith, and it can lead to greater faith (as it did in the apostle Thomas' case). Don't nurture doubt. Don't "major" in it. But don't let it drive you into abandoning your faith either.
7)  Grace is FREE. Period! Whether it's God grace, or the grace that someone else may offer you, it will always be a free gift of love and forgiveness... because grace cannot be earned, or deserved, and still be "grace;"
8) "Believing is seeing"because the greatest things in life cannot be seen or measured. Some people say that "seeing is believing," and in the world of science, this is true. But things like love, honor, faith, honor, and hope... cannot be measured or even explained. Just accept them when you see them. Embrace them and thank God for them;
9) Prayer is God-talk, and your relationship with God will not survive without it. Don't let anyone tell you that you need to know just the right words or have certain credentials to pray. Prayer is simply an honest conversation with God in which we offer up our praises and our concerns... and listen for His response! Speak from your heart and don't forget to listen;
10) The Bible says that God is love and it also says that there is "no black and white, nor slave and free, nor male and female in Christ... (and I would add) no gay and straight... because we are all children of God, created in God's image. Don't embrace any religion that teaches hate and division because Jesus is a uniter and a healer;
11) There are many ways in which we can serve God here on earth. We can feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the lonely, love those who others won't, and treat others as if they are manifestations of God. These are good things, but if you really want to be Christ-like, forgive someone who does't deserve to be forgiven;
12) Be wary of sin. It will always keep you longer and cost you more than you expected. None of us is sinless, nor even particularly close to being sinless. And it is also true that our sins are forgiven... but sin will drain your spiritual energy and break down your relationship with God, others, and your own best self. So, flee from it whenever you can.

      There are many other factors that will affect your spiritual walk, but these are 12 of the things that I have found to be helpful and true.


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