Thursday, August 31, 2017


      On August 19, Sherry and I gathered with our family to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary... and as we sat in a nice French restaurant, my thoughts raced back to a summer evening in Ankeny, Iowa. It was August 19, 1967, and we were gathered at the Grundon's place, which was the nicest home that I had seen at that time... with its pool and fountain and cascading steps- all of which were set against the woods that bordered their home. Dad was there, mom too, and my brother, Randy. My brother, Larry, was stationed in Cape May and he couldn't make our wedding (just as our granddaughter, Brittany, wasn't able to join us at the anniversary).
      A Lutheran minister officiated and we said our vows- I DO, for better and for worse, and all
Kendra, Brooke, me, Sherry, Justin, Shawn, Steve, Kelli
and Archer in front. Not pictured- Donald, Brittany, and
Donald Ray. We love each and every one of them!
the rest. Sherry seemed to grasp the depth of what we were saying, but I didn't have much of a clue. I was happy- no doubt about it- and she was beautiful ... but I didn't really understand what it meant to be present, vulnerable, and intimate... in the deepest sense of the words. I was too "messed up"- too confused- and it would be years before I came to grips with who I really was ... and what it meant to be in a loving relationship (as opposed to being "in love.") My growth was slow, painful, and uneven...but Sherry was always there! Sometimes as my biggest cheerleader. Sometimes Sometimes as my biggest critic. But she was always there... and (praise God) she was always willing to forgive and to invest in another tomorrow.
      It took a lot of patience and a lot of effort. At times our love story wasn't very pretty... but with God's grace and Sherry's steadfast love, we made it to our 50th wedding anniversary. Mom, dad, Larry, and Randy have all passed away- so have the Grundons- and I suspect the Lutheran pastor too. Times have changed in many ways because 1967 occurred in another age. Our daughters are grown and they have children of there own. Indeed, our granddaughter, Brittany, even has a kid of her own. They are beautiful people- the women and the little boys too- and in my eyes, they all shine like diamonds! Sherry gave special gifts to the women at our gathering and I gave gifts of love to Archer and Donald Ray. It was a sacred hour, and I felt like a rich man! Indeed when I looked around the table, I thanked God for every face that I saw, for family who could not be present, and for all of those who had taken the time to show me love- both tough and generous- through the years.
       It's been a wonderful, often stimulating, sometimes surprising, and even entertaining journey! Like others who reach my age, I've had more than my share of "highs" and I lived through more than a few "lows." Hundreds of people have had a hand in my life story and many of them have left a deep impression on me. But Sherry has always been at the center! She's always been the "grown up" in the room and she stole the show at our anniversary dinner as well, giving an emotional and inspiring speech that I didn't even try to top. When the meal was over, I looked at her and saw that she was even more beautiful than she was in the summer of '67. Then, I took her hand and together, we led the family out the restaurant's door... and back to a journey that will lead each one to the place that God has reserved for us. I'll be 121 on our 100th anniversary... and I expect to be dining on a heavenly feast. Amen!

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