Saturday, August 29, 2015


      Last night, at my wonderful retirement party, a number of people gathered (many more than I deserved) to say goodbye. I greeted people as they entered and then I prayed for God's blessing as we shared a common meal. The restaurant did an excellent job of serving so many people, and after we had eaten our fill, we listened to three of my friends say nice things about me, In fact, many people said nice things about me... but my naysayers and critics weren't invited to the event. When they finished (and they did a wonderful job), we were blessed with a  selection of songs and hymns performed by Peter Grau (singer) and Perry Hultgren (keyboard). They were extremely well done, and at last our emcee, elder Jack May brought the party to a close... except that I grabbed the microphone and told each and everyone in attendance how much Sherry and I appreciated their attendance. I could've told a hundred stories... but time was short. So, I cited a few highlights and gave our heartfelt thanks to everyone. I told them, and I will say it again, preaching, teaching, and representing the gospel is an honor and a blessing! In my case, it was amazing... but then again, God's grace is amazing. Someone asked if I was going to like retirement, and I told him that I didn't know. But I do know that I wouldn't trade a moment of my life for all the money in the world because we have an awesome God! Here is a selection of pictures from my retirement party. They are people from South Park Presbyterian Church of Rock Island and United Presbyterian Church of Peoria. I am in their debt... and also to the Rev. James Benson, who is the pastor of Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church in RI..

yours truly

me and Olivia

Two leaders- Betty and Annette

The Miller table

The Hennesseys, Melba, and Bonnie

Me and good friend from Peoria

Two of my golfing buddies in front

elder Jack May

Me and my dear wife, Sherry

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