Friday, March 6, 2020


When I was in the throes of my spiritual struggles (which had economic, relational, physical, and marital repercussions), my wife was counseling with the pastor of our neighborhood church. She was searching for serenity and hoping for a miracle. I've never been sure of just how long she'd been praying with Pastor Lu before I got involved, but in time...I certainly got involved. I "hit bottom" in the fall of '76,  and Pastor Lu came to visit me on the 6th floor of the Eppley treatment center in Omaha, Nebraska.

I would've welcomed anyone who cared enough to visit me at the time. So, even though I had never talked with a minister in any sort of real way, we talked... about my pain, fears, regrets, and my need for a new beginning. It wasn't a matter of philosophy or theology. It was a matter of survival because my life was out of control! I didn't know where to turn, but Pastor Lu said that he did. He said that I could find both forgiveness and new birth in Christ. He didn't mention joining "his church." He just told me that I would be a "new creation" if I surrendered to Christ, and without knowing that I had never read a Bible,  he cited several Bible passages to support his position.

The verses he cited didn't mean much to me, but I desperately needed a new beginning. I had reached the point where the unknown- whatever it turned out to be- had more appeal than the darkness that engulfed me. So, I accepted my visitor's invitation to accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and he led me in a "Sinner's Prayer," which went something like this: "Dear Lord, I know that I am a sinner and I ask your forgiveness. I believe that you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn my sin over to you and invite you to come into my life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow you from this point forward, and with your help, I will serve you in every way that I can. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for redeeming me and for receiving this prayer. Amen." That was it- a decision, a prayer, a commitment, and that moment was the beginning of a new life for me. In that moment, I was reborn, and Sherry and I began to attend Lu's church after I finished treatment.

All of this took place in the fall of '76. It's been more than 43 years since my late pastor and I sat together on my treatment center bed, and God has never quit blessing Sherry and me. I've been pastoring a "mainline" church for some time now and I've been blessed to serve... many strong Christians who serve and worship Christ as Lord. Most of them came to Christ by growing up in the church and by making the church an integral part of their lives. So, we don't lead many people in the Sinner's Prayer, but I will be forever glad that Pastor Lu did! We don't talk much about "being saved" either, but being saved and born-again is the source of our joy and our power. Rather than beginning with a surrendered life, many people are more likely to struggle with how they can fit Christ into their lives on their terms.

This may lead to a religious life, but it will not lead to a new life! It may lead to some good deeds and proper behavior, but it will never lead to a spiritual transformation because that begins with surrender! In an effort to be "relevant," many churches have turned to marketing, entertainment, and low expectations over the yearsI But being relevant and entertaining is not the issue- rebirth is. Amen.

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