Saturday, February 22, 2020


In the novel, Cold Sassy Tree, 14 year-old Will and his grandpa talk about life and prayer. One day, Will nearly gets killed by a train because he is playing on a railroad trestle. "Grandpa," he asks, "You think I'm still alive cause it was God's will?" "Naw," grandpa replies, "You livin' cause you had the good sense to fall down twixt them tracks." Will wasn't to be dissuaded. "Maybe God gave me the idea,"he said. But grandpa was firm. "You can believe that son, if you believe that it was God's idea for you to play up on that there trestle in the first place. What God gave you was a brain. It is will for you to use it, particularly when a train's comin'. Will continued with his questions, "Grandpa, do you think it was God's will for Bluford Jackson to get lockjaw and die?" Grandpa spoke kindly, "The Lord don't make firecrackers son. It's just too bad poor Blu didn't be more careful." Will was perplexed, and asked, "You don't think God wills any of the things that happen to us? "Maybe. Maybe not," grandpa replied. Will said, "Mama and papa think he does." Grandpa licked the meringue off of his fork and offered a bit of wisdom. "Life bullies us son, but God don't," he concluded.
Freedom, grace, God's plan, and our responsibility- these are interesting things to ponder. Years ago a young professional was killed by lightning in Joliet, IL. He was a member of our church and I rushed to his grieving wife's side. Wanting to lift some of her burden, I said, "God doesn't cause these things to happen. They just happen, but God is there for us when they do happen... and He will give you a soft place to fall and wipe your tears." In my mind, it was a comforting comment about a God who suffers with us, but the young widow saw it differently. "I think you're wrong," she replied, "I don't believe things just happen. I believe that God makes things happen, but most often for reasons that we can't understand." Wow, I thought, she would rather believe that God was behind her husband's death... than struggle with the thought that bad things just happen to good people!
As for me, I don't know. Who knows? God can do anything, I know that, but I also know that "stuff" happens. And I agree with grandpa: God don't bully us! Life does. Events do, bosses do, sometimes loved ones do... but I think of God as a Comforter, a Healer, and an Inviter. God comes to our door and knocks- I believe that. God give us "holy coincidences" to guide us. I believe that too because God's been present in my life on many occasions. God may "test" us, even "tempt" us, but I think that God is best at forgiving us and empowering us. God, I think, walks with us and carries us when things are really tough, but I'm not convinced that God wants us to play on railway trestles. Bad things have happened to people I have loved with all of my heart... but that doesn't God was somehow pushing and shoving on them. In time, I will see all things clearly, but for now, I'm comfortable believing that God doesn't bully me. What do you think?

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