Tuesday, December 24, 2019


      In Jesus' day, shepherding had become a job for men who couldn’t find decent work. They weren’t welcome in polite society and besides, like prostitutes and tax collectors, they were perpetually unclean. The testimony of shepherds wasn't admissible in court and many towns barred them entirely. Being a shepherd was not much to write home about, and one suspects that with each passing day, they cared less and less about fitting in.
      But there they were in the fields just outside of Bethlehem- fields that Sherry and I stood in when we visited Israel. They didn’t bathe frequently and they didn’t wash their hands ritually. They weren’t “church people,” and they weren’t thinking about much except getting by. It was just another night in the field… when suddenly, the heavens lit up and the glory of God shone around them! The shepherds were terrified. They had never seen anything like this and an angel gave them news, for which the word “good” is not really good enough. “I bring you news that will give great joy to all people,” the angel said, “for unto you” a Savior has been born in Bethlehem. Yes you- you shepherds, you idolaters, adulterers, and sinners of all sorts. Unto you a Savior is born. Unto you too, who have fallen in love with money, who don't feel like trying anymore, who have gotten lost and disappointed people whom you love, who can hardly carry the weight of your own sin, who thirst for peace and promise, who have trouble believing- unto you a Savior is born!
      Unto you and the whole lot of us, and our world will never be the same.The same sort of things may happen. But they will never really be the same because Christ has come to us- to live among us, to laugh and cry with us, to be applauded & threatened, to be worshiped and cursed, to experience our joys and our struggles, and to set us free. The shepherds were still shepherds come morning… no one was going to invite them in for dinner, but they would never be shepherds without hope again. The poor were just as poor come morning, but they would be rich in love and hope, and they would know that they've been invited to dine with their king. Death and loss will continue to break hearts, but they no longer have the last laugh. People will cry, but they won’t cry alone… and they won’t cry forever.
      The world was turned upside down one night, when Mary's boy was born. Because Jesus was born, people can see that they're worth loving and that Christ will love them to the end. Because Jesus was born in Bethlehem, people can see that being rich has nothing to do with money and that being powerful has nothing to do with might. If Jesus hadn’t been born, the widow of Nain would’ve buried her only son and mothers ever since would’ve buried their children without assurance. If Jesus hadn’t been born, lepers would've spent their entire lives on the edge of town, and those who isolated in our day would not know the joy of being included and loved. If Jesus hadn’t been born, we would still be carrying the weight of our sins and if Jesus had not been born, we would walk alone when the valleys were darkest. If Jesus hadn’t been born, I would’ve died as a drunk and the demons would still have their way with me.
      I’ve been blessed with many wonderful Christmas gifts over time, but what I needed most- more than anything else- was to be forgiven and given another chance. I needed to be healed on the inside- in ways that enabled me to feel better about myself and to see others more clearly. I needed Jesus... and this is why my Christmases revolve around Christ. I know that many people celebrate Christmas in a secular way and  I know that we all do to some extent. Most of us find great joy in the gathering of families and the feeling of love and charity that fills the air. It's great fun to buy gifts that we know will delight our children and it warms our hearts when we see people dropping their money into the Red Kettles.
      I don’t have any trouble with this because joy, giving, and caring are good things. I love fruit cakes, caroling, Christmas gatherings and giving gifts as much as anyone... but... (and this is important)... it is the Christ child who invites us to lay down our masks and experience his grace. It is the Christ child who was born in love and died with the words, “forgive them,” on his lips!! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Amen Kenny. I hope you have a wonderful day. Thanks for reminding us all of the greatest gift we will ever receive. The Lord Jesus.
