Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Jimmy rolls along... embracing his faith and traditional values,
      In his mind, they fit together perfectly,
            and he watches Fox for legitimate news.
Susie's mind is filled with observations and answers.
      She knows a lot about a lot of things,
            but tolerance is not her strong suit.
Bob has trouble breathing.
      He's a gracious man,
            and we're all glad that he has someone to love him.
Marjorie's gone now, like so many others,
      but she had enough time on this earth
            to read the entire Bible... 33 times!
Ralph is battling Alzheimer's-
      so is Joe, and Mary, and several others.
           It's a cruel thing that seems epidemic.
Vern's hanging on, clinging to his home,
      fighting for his independence, and
           always missing his wife.
Katie's found a new love.
      I hope he treats her like a princess.
            We don't know of anyone more deserving.
George & Lettie, Doug & Debra- they're grieving their daughters.
      They always will, and we need to do
            a better job of remembering their sacred days.
Where have all the children gone?
      They were all just kids when I arrived.
            May God be with them in their vulnerable years.
Judy has significant struggles physically,
      but her spirit is strong,
            and she's a wonderful joy-giver.
No one seems to know why Frieda has so little energy.
      Her doctors don't know why
            and I wonder if they ever will.
Jack and Joyce are gathering grandkids,
      and riding our highways on their Golden Wings.
            But fall's coming, and we'll see more of them in church.
John continues to fight cancer,
      and now, I've learned that Morgan's dad is too.
            Where is the cure that they've promised?
Last year, Harper spent her birthday in Iowa City.
      This year, she's at home- active and beautiful-
            and we can't help but shout "God is good"
We'll be baptizing little Jack and an adult next week.
      Jack is between 2 and 3- the adult is much older-
            but I love baptisms- adult, babies, and everyone in between.
Our little flock has almost no interest
      in adding to their numbers...
            but their commitment to community is unmatched.
So, they come and go,
      loving one another as family,
            doing the same old things in the same old way.
Truth is- in our church family...
      some members are thriving, some are dying;
      some are alone, and some can't find time to be alone;
      some are building houses, some are leaving homes;
      some are active, some we seldom see;
Our little church family... is experiencing life together.
      We work together, pray together, and walk together.
            talking, planning, laughing, crying, struggling
                  to be the church Christ wants them to be.
Pray for us
      as we make our way
            in a world filled with mega-churches.
Pray that our love for one another
      will be a beacon and that we'll never
            put church ahead of Christ!

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