Monday, January 28, 2019


      According to Luke, Jesus launched his ministry as a preacher when his temptation had ended. In time he came to his hometown of Nazareth and went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read from a scroll of Isaiah and turned to the place (chapter 61) where it says: "The spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the poor, release to the prisoners, recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." It was an interesting message for Jesus to choose. It was a message about God's heart for all people who are neither seen, heard, nor valued. Jesus could've chosen Isaiah's invitation to those who thirst (55:1) or the promised day on which a wolf will lie down with a lamb (11:6) ... but he chose to begin his ministry by identifying with God's commitment to justice and righteousness. I'm called, he said, to proclaim freedom to the oppressed (in all the ways people are oppressed), recovery of sight to the blind (in all the ways we are blind), and good news to the poor (in fact and in spirit). I'm anointed, he said, to proclaim liberty to the captives (in all the ways that we are captive when things get a hold on us) and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, in which debt is forgiven, servants freed, and mortgaged land returned. He read this passage and sat down. Silence fell over the gathering and all eyes were on him. Then he said, "TODAY THIS SCRIPTURE HAS BEEN FULFILLED IN YOUR HEARING." (Luke 4:21)
      I am struck with Jesus' candor... and with God's radical agenda. As Christians, we can debate the role which government should play in our lives, but we cannot debate whether or not we should be involved as Christians! We must be involved in bringing good news to the poor, release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind. We dare not blame them for their own situation, or turn away from them in their time of need, because things will never be right on earth until Jesus' work is completed. As his disciples, we're called to use our voices and talents to bring good news to the poor and tell all of them who are chained and oppressed, weary and burdened, that, in Christ, their debts are forgiven and their yokes are broken. It is our calling- our work- to carry on Jesus' ministry in His name... and to carry on with the same concrete sense of urgency that Jesus had. We are called and equipped to bring good news to the poor, freedom to those who are oppressed and captive... and to proclaim, by word and deed, the year of Jubilee to people we meet and see in our own lives. I'm sure of it, but it also seems clear that we are called to start setting things right... TODAY!
      Do you know the lyrics to Willie Nelson's song, "There's Nothing I Can Do About It Now?" Well, in part they go like this: I've got a long list of real good reasons for all the things I've done/ And I know just what I'd change if I went back in time somehow... but there's nothing I can do about it now." No, there's nothing I can do about them now because the past is gone and its glory days are gone too. There are things that I would love to change, even erase, and there are moments that I would love to relive, but I can't and I won't.. because they're only in my mind. And what is more- tomorrow is only in my mind too. It will never come because the only thing I'll ever do is today! Today. This day. This is our time to show up. If we're ever going to say, "I'm sorry," "I love you," or "you can do this," let it be today. If we're ever going to visit someone who's lonely or let someone know that we care, if we're ever going to listen to someone's story, let it be today. If we're ever going to proclaim good news to someone who needs to hear it, give light to someone who lives in darkness, or a little joy to someone burdened with sadness, let it be today. If we're ever going to tell someone that they can begin again in Christ, that he will set them forgive their debts, let it be today. TODAY
is not a bridge between the past we recall and the future we dream about. It is the stuff we call life. Christ is inviting us to bring good news to the poor and to let them all know that this is the year of the Lord's favor! Jesus has anointed us to speak truth to power, fight for justice, do the right thing, pick up the fallen and carry the broken. He has called us to turn our own little world upside down... with grace, courage, and loving kindness... and he has equipped us to do all of this TODAY!

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