Elijah was born in Tishbe, which is only mentioned once in the Bible,
and even then in the Book of Tobit. It’s located in the mountains of Gilead and
of little consequence, except that it is the birthplace of Elijah, who was
among the greatest of God’s prophets. Ahab was King in Elijah’s day… and the
evil, Jezebel, was his wife. Together, they gave Israel over to Baal, and to
his consort, Asherah, and the people gave themselves over to sin… because Baal
and Asherah were not the gods of the promise… or gods at all. It was the worst
of tines for Israel, but Elijah trusted completely in God. He trusted God
completely and he challenged Ahab to his face. He challenged 450 prophets of
Baal to a contest at Mount Carmel, so that the world would see, once and for
all, whether Yahweh or Baal, was the living and true God.
Well, Yahweh prevailed and Elijah- the great
man of God- who had already worked miracles in God’s name- was the man of the
hour. Never before had the prophet wavered or lost hope, but when Jezebel
threatened his life, he ran for it. He was, inexplicably, afraid… and he said that
he had had enough. He ran toward Beersheba, and prayed that God would take his
life there… but God nourished him instead, and he moved on to the Mt. Horeb,
and hid himself in a cave. I don’t know how long he intended to hide there… but God called him to step outside of the
cave so that he might learn something new. And as he stood there, a violent
wind stirred up. It was strong and scary, but Elijah did not encounter God in
the wind. Then there was an earthquake, not all that uncommon in that part of
the world by the way, but Elijah did not meet God in the earthquake. And it was
the same in the fire that followed. So
he went back into the cave and in the silence that engulfed him, he heard God
speak. “What are you doing here?” That’s what God asked. “What are you doing
here, Elijah?” No accusations, no chastisement… just a question…and new
marching orders for the weary prophet. Get up, get packed, and get going, God
seemed to say, because I have more for you to do. And Elijah got up and went
where God called him to go and he did all that God called him to do… until the
day came when God literally embraced him and lifted him directly into heaven.
It’s a great story… but what does it have to say to us? What is God’s word,
living and relevant, saying to us in these passages about an ancient prophet?
1. 1. Well, for one thing, we are reminded that God is less likely to give up on us than we are to
give up on ourselves. The same God who called Elijah would surely provide a
way. If you’re down, fine, but don’t stay down;
2 2. Even the best of
us experience moments of fatigue, fear, and even doubt that we are making a
difference, or of use any longer! Elijah showed more faith on a single,
ordinary day than most of us muster up in the best of times… but he was not
immune to the very things that make us human.
If your work is undervalued and even threatened, it’s bad… but don’t quit;
3. Quit looking for
God in all the wrong places. Chances are, He will not be among those who are flattering…
because you are not the center of God’s
story. He is… and when He appears, it
may well be in the faces of those who need food, clothing, love, empowerment,
and opportunity the most, rather that the sound and fury going on around you;
4. If you want to
hear God’s voice, get away from the sounds that drown it out and listen to your
soul. Are you doing what God wants you to do? Are you in love with sins that
you can’t bring yourself to let go of? Are you listening for God’s voice
through His word, through His church, through your prayers? Remember, all
spiritual journeys begin with surrendered trust;
5. I’m no Elijah.
Chances are- you’re not either, but we are equipped to do his work. And we do
have ears that hear… so listen to that
voice within you that is not obsessed with self and stuff, but challenges you
to forgive and love and get involved for God. Listen to the voices of those things
that break your heart. Listen to the injustices that make you mad every time
you think about them… and listen to the talents that God has given you. Listen
to your setting in life. Listen to the people whose lives are intertwined with yours, and listen when God asks, "What are YOU doing here?"
6. Consider all of these things in the stillness of your
spirit and you will hear God’s voice calling you to leave your cave and get
busy for Him. His call to you may not be the stuff of Kings and Queens, but it
will involve life-changing and life-saving work. He may not ask you to free
the Israelites, or to challenge the prophets of Baal… but He will ask you to confront evil and offer love to His people.
7. I won’t be taken directly to heaven like Elijah was,
but through Christ, heaven will be my home. And my record of service will not measure up to Elijah’s, or John’s,
or Mother Teresa’s, or perhaps to yours… but I do long to hear the words, “well
done good and faithful servant,” and I believe that, through His Grace and
against all earthly bets… I will.
Now, let me return to
surrendered trust because it isn’t possible to provide faithful service without
it. In my own life, I’ve seen bad moons rising, I’ve heard the thunder roll in darkened
skies, I’ve chased lesser gods to the gates of hell, and I’ve begged an unknown God for another chance. Like you, I've seen and heard many things... BUT I didn’t see God in the storms or in my wilderness. I didn’t
hear God in the thunder, or through the cluttered thoughts that filled my mind. Indeed, I didn’t hear God at all until I
experienced a great emptiness and surrendered to His will, no matter the cost. Looking back, I see now that He was there in the best
and worst of times. BUT I couldn’t see
Him until the fear and pride within me gave way to a surrendered trust. That may be your need too. If it is,
come to Christ now because He is the source of your faithfulness. However, if
you’ve already done business with Christ, listen for His voice ,,, as it comes from deep within your life and your spirit. Listen and follow. Follow…and do your part to further His kingdom here on earth! Amen!