Monday, April 10, 2017


    It was early on the first Easter morning... when Miriam of Magdala (Mary Magdalene) made her way to his tomb. She walked with a heavy heart, just as we do when we walk through our grave yards, and she recalled all of the moments they had shared. He was a loving man- a man of God (she was sure of that)- a man who didn't deserve to die, not in the way that he did. She walked through the graveyard... and just couldn't get the crucifixion out of her mind. The pain, the shame, the humiliation- she could scarcely take it in... but one decent thing had happened.  Ordinarily, it was unlawful to bury the body of a person who was crucified...because leaving the body to rot and/or become fodder for birds and animals... was part of the punishment. But, in an act of grace and no little courage, a man named Joseph obtained permission to bury Jesus' body in his family tomb.
      And Mary (and the other women) saw where they laid him. So, she got up early on Easter morning... and made her way to his tomb, just as we make our way to a loved one's grave site- and for much the same reason- to do the right thing and to show our respect. She wanted to see him one more time and to make sure that his body was prepared properly. That's all. She didn't expect to find an an empty tomb... except perhaps in a fleeting thought that someone might tamper with, or steal. his body (which wasn't unheard of in her time). Oh Mary, sad and broken Miriam. Go and do what you have to do. And she did- with one or two other women, depending on the gospel we're reading. She went to show her respect... but the tomb was empty! It actually was empty...and not dreaming of a resurrection, she was certain that they had moved his body. So she ran back to the others and cried, "They've taken his body and we don't know where they put him."  It was a startling report, but it came from an emotional woman and besides, it took two men to verify such things. So, Peter and John ran to see for themselves... and sure enough, the tomb was empty, except for his burial clothes, which were neatly folded... with the cloth that covered his face lying in its own place.
      It was a mysterious thing to see and it didn't fit with body-snatching-but Peter and John went back to their hiding place... while Mary stood outside the empty tomb and cried. Poor Mary, alone and broken-hearted in a garden for the dead. It was Easter morning. The sun was higher now, and Mary was still crying. The others had left... and Jesus' body was still missing. She shuffled around his grave and when a man whom she didn't recognize said, "Woman, why are you crying? Whom are you looking for?" She thought he was someone tending to the property and said, Sir, just tell me where you've laid him, so that I can tend to him. Where have you laid him? Just tell me that. Then the man spoke, "Mary. Miriam," and her heart raced because she recognized his voice. Filled with emotion, she cried, "Rabbouni, my teacher,"and evidently she reached out to hug him... but he  resisted, and said, "Noli me tangere," don't cling to me. Mary (and all of you who see me through your tears), don't cling to me... because you have work to do.
       Run to the others, Mary, and tell them that I'm going up to my God and their God. Tell them that I am alive, Mary. Tell them that I arose and danced on my grave. Tell them... that it is Easter! Tell them that I am as alive as anyone is ever alive, and that... through me, they will live fully and forever. Tell them, Mary, that Easter is not a season of the year, nor a day on their calendar, nor a bunny, nor just time for family... but rather, that it's the greatest thing that could ever happen... because death has been beaten! Life where there was death. Life where there was no hope. Life from the grave, Tell them that they don't need to mourn for me and for themselves... because life is victorious over death. Tell them that I live and that, because I live, they will live! Go and witness to me, Mary, and the first evangelist did just that. Verse 18 says it succinctly: "Miriam of Magdala- Mary Magdalene- left the burial site and announced to the disciples- "I've seen the Lord!!!" Amen and hallelujah, She saw the Lord... and life became worth the living. Amen. 
      Friends, I've been blessed to preach God's word for nearly 30 years now, and I've read the Bible through many times. I know there are many different interpretations of Scripture. I know that some critics have pointed out... what they consider to be inconsistencies between the gospels... and that they've tried to explain his miracles away. I know all of this, and I don't give it a second thought... because my faith is based on Christ crucified and risen. However- and here I draw on something that Frederick Buechner said- if I thought that Easter was nothing more than a feel-good story, like a wrestler jumping to his feet just before he was counted out, or a way of touching the child in each of us, or just a way of saying that there's a rose beneath the snow, I'd pack it in... and sell my robes and books. I'd quit telling myself and others a lie. If Christ didn't appear to Miriam and to the others, if he didn't show Thomas his wounds, if they didn't see him ascend to heaven, then the story is bogus... and our faith is in vain. If Jesus is not risen, we will be forever dead... but if he is... and He IS... death has been defeated... and the new life that he promised is ours! Easter is a wonderful day. It's a time when families gather and celebrate the joy of the life that they share together. And this is a good thing... but the Easter story is this: death has given way to life... for us and for our loved ones... and that life is worth the living, just because he lives!
      Like Mary, we aren't allowed to cling to him. He doesn't belong to us... but we can (and must) run and tell the others, in the all the ways that are open to us, with the words that we can muster in our own settings. We must tell them what we've seen and experiences and....that he lives. We can do that... we can run and tell others that we have seen Christ...and we can live in ways that show them that we believe it! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Brother.Our Faith is based on the resurrection. Thank God, death has been defeated.
