Sunday, April 17, 2016


      Today, as I think about the difficult year that Sherry and I may have before us, I am clinging to my faith because I've seen the difference that faith makes... when people face life's storms and death itself. Over the past 25 years, I've been blessed to share intimate (sacred) moments with men and women who were nearing death... and I've seen their faith conquer their fears. I've seen them- these ordinary people- die with praise on their lips because they believe that they will never die. They were not Bible experts. They did not give all of their possessions to the poor. They did not seek sainthood, but they died with a "smile on their hearts" because they believed... that Christ was quite serious when he said that those who believe in him will never die.
      They died as people of faith... and their faith spoke volumes to me. I remember Wilbur Miner, whose last words to me were... "I will see you again." He wasn't speaking in platitudes or attempting to be dramatic. He meant it. He had always believed it, and his one-sentence sermon was very powerful to me- I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN. I also remember Dick Fogler, who came down with a rare and incurable lung disease. It was frustrating to watch Dick go from Dr. to Dr. in an attempt to get a diagnosis and it was distressing to watch him get gradually weaker. But when I voiced by feelings, Dick said, "Oh Ken, there have been many, many men, much better than me, who have walked down this path. Don't worry about me." It was another powerful sermon because Dick was right- serenity comes to us when we accept the things we cannot change. God is sovereign and real faith is not found in making deals with God... but rather in knowing that, in His hands, everything will be alright... even if it frightens us or seems unfair.
      When Coy Bullard was dying I visited him in the hospital. He was conversant and pain-free, but he quit eating and drinking water... because he had elected to die. We talked for a long time, and he said that several people had urged him to build up his strength so that he could fight the good fight. They mean well, he noted, and I've enjoyed nearly every moment of my life. But I have a much better life that lies ahead of me. "Pastor," he said, "When I close my eyes, I see Jesus very clearly. He's as plain as day, as if he is just right over there. I see him and he's inviting me to come to him. And I want to go. I want to sit with Jesus and just hang out, and I want to see my dear Mary, who was the greatest love I ever knew. They want me to linger here, as the doctors poke me and connect their tubes... but I want to go home." "Pastor," he concluded, "I am very excited because I am just about to meet my Lord- the one who gave me Mary and so many good things in life." Who could've known... that this gentle and mild-mannered man would've given such a powerful sermon? He believed to his core, and with eyes of faith, he saw heaven itself! Indeed, he saw his Lord motioning to him... and with the simple faith and unabashed joy of a child, he could hardly wait to run to him!
      Coy Bullard had no fear of death whatsoever. Neither did Dick or Will... and God willing, Sherry and I will face the coming year... with the faith of a child. Amen!

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