Sunday, March 13, 2016


            With a nod to Jeff Foxworthy, let me suggest that you might be a hypocrite: 1) if you rendevouz with a secret lover after church; 2) if you paste a cover of "Christianity Today" over your racy men's magazine; 3) if you fill your soft drink bottle with vodka; 3) if you leave a $20 bill as a tip when friends are watching... only to sneak back and replace it with a $5 bill; 4) if you tell others that you'll pray for them... without having any intention of doing so; 5) if you rail against the sins of poverty... and don't contribute a dime yourself; 6) if you wear a different "mask" for everyone you meet and tell others what they want to hear; and 7) in general... if you seldom practice what you preach. I could go on, of course, but I will leave the one-liners to Foxworthy... and simply ask you to pray for the hypocrites... because Jesus had trouble with hypocrites.
      When he walked on earth, Jesus ate with sinners... and encouraged them to repent. He touched the "untouchables," so that they could experience family and community again. He fed the hungry, both physically and spiritually... and he challenged those who would stone prostitutes. When he walked on earth, Jesus invited children to come to him, gave women voice, and spoke truth to power. In word and deed, Jesus was inclusive and inviting. However, he had harsh words for those who were self-righteous and/or hypocritical. He said that they appeared to be what they were not... and held others to standards that they themselves did not practice. He said that, while they tithed everything they had- including the spices in their pantries- they neglected the weightier matters of justice and mercy. Jesus thought that hypocrites were "play acting," and he had little patience with them... which is why we need to pray for them.
       Growing up in a secular home, I often heard that "church people" were "a bunch" of hypocrites... and my personal experience tells me that they were on to something! There are many hypocrites in the church... and they are intermixed with those who know that they need a Savior and with those who have already embraced Christ as their Lord. On any given Sunday, a church gathering will include  the faithful, the seekers, the curious... and unfortunately, the hypocrites... but it is the hypocrites who run the greatest risk of losing themselves altogether. They are at risk of never discovering the joy of being accepted... and they need our prayers. BUT they are not necessarily lost... because Jesus is still inviting them to lay down their masks, repent, and come to him as they are. Jesus is still inviting them to surrender and experience the utter joy of knowing that they are known... and loved anyway. Pray for the hypocrites... and if you are a hypocrite... pray for yourself. Pray that God will give you the courage and the freedom to come to him as you are!
      P.S. If it's helpful, here is a prayer similar to the one I said when I finally decided to lay my masks down: "When I come before Thy Throne, asking forgiveness for my wrong, I want to be honest with you, Lord. For you already know my heart, my thoughts, my desires, my sentiments, my secrets, my everything. This is my earnest plea- let me live with integrity. When life's pieces just don't fit, give me courage... to admit... I need change. For you know the range of my possibilities and you know my potential. I've got to be honest with you, Lord, for you already know my trials, my temptations, my failures, and my victories. This is my earnest plea- lead me to integrity. Make me honest in the things I do and say, Lord. Make me honest with myself, Lord, and shelter me from deceit, fear, and pride. This is my earnest plea- give me the grace, courage, and love I need... to live before you... with integrity. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen and Amen...precisely why I need a Savior, Jesus Christ. Help me Lord to live with integrity for You every day of my life.
    Thanks friend for these wise words.
