Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea of Philippi. And on the way he questioned his disciples, saying, "Who do people say I am"" And they answered, "John the Baptist, and others say Elijah, but others say, "one of the prophets." And he said to them, "WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM?" And answering, Peter said, "You are the Christ." (Mark 8:27ff)

      "Who do you say that I am?" "Who do YOU say that I am?" THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION THAT ANY ONE OF US WILL EVER BE ASKED.
      We are engaged in a series of the Bible's great questions, and I truly believe that they are all great. However, the question before us now- who do you say that I am- is the most important... because our hope, our promise, and out entire reason for being rests on Jesus' identity! Unlike religions that espouse a philosophy or a world view, Christianity is based on one man's sanity. Unlike religions that are bigger than their founders, Christianity is based solely on Jesus' claim to be God's Christ. IF Jesus did empty himself of divinity and come to earth to save our souls, he is a God with unlimited love. If Jesus actually atoned for our sins at Golgotha, then we are free in the most profound sense of the word. IF Jesus really did dance on his grave, then we will dance on ours, and if Jesus really did send His Holy Spirit to us, there is no power on earth that is our equal.
      BUT... if he didn't- if his words aren't true- we are the most pitied of people. If Jesus simply offered some sweet ideas before the forces of the world took his life, we are neither saved nor empowered, and if Jesus was not God Incarnate, then the story about God walking among us... is a lie! No less a man than C.S. Lewis said that Jesus is either a madman,,, on the level of someone who thinks he is an apple... or he is God. Lewis insists that Jesus didn't give us any middle ground... and that we are NOT allowed to identity him as a "good teacher," an "inspiring" leader, or a prophet, or a radical agent of change. We can't settle for these descriptions because Jesus claimed to be much more. He said that he is the resurrection. He said that he will come again and take us to himself. He said that those who believe in him will never die... and if these claims are not true, we can only conclude that Jesus was either delusional or a liar. Someone who says that he is God, when in fact, he is not... is not good in any sense of the word!
      We can attend church for a number of reasons. Perhaps our family has always attended there, perhaps we're trying to make sure that our kids make good friends, perhaps we need a friend or two, perhaps the church offers us a little power, perhaps we like the buffet afterwards. There are many reasons for churchgoing... but there is only one reason for carrying our cross behind the Nazarene... and that is this: Jesus emptied himself of divinity, came to earth, and carried his cross to atone for our sins... which he did on Cavalry's Hill ...and rose from his grave three days later in victory over both sin and death. Then, he appeared to Mary of Mandala, and to Cephas, and to the 12, and then to many- asking them to receive his Spirit and commanding them to make disciples of all nations.
      If all this is true- true enough to stake one's life and eternity on- then all knees must bow and every tongue must confess him as Lord. But if it's not true...I would rather go golfing. Midway through the gospel of Mark, Jesus asked his disciples to tell him who people said that he was... and now... at this moment, he asks each of us- WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM? Answer it for yourself! You must answer it, of course, because no answer is an answer... and when, like Thomas, you cry out, "My Lord and My God," your life will take on a meaning that you never he dreamed of!

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