T'was the night before Christmas-
when the young couple completed their long
journey... and arrived in town.
T'was the time of the census, and
men were returning to their hometowns
to register
... for the powers-that-be.
One of these men was a man named Joseph-
Yosef, not Joe, and he came from Bethlehem,
which means
"house of bread" in Hebrew.
It was a homecoming of sorts,
but he couldn't find a room for his fiancée,
and she was very pregnant with their first child.
So,,, they ended up in a cattle shed, behind an inn...
grateful for a place to lay their heads...
Miriam (Mary) was in need of rest and shelter
It was there, in that cattle shed,
where she gave birth to a boy named Yeshua,
which comes to us as "JESUS."
At the first Christmas... the stars were the only lights.
There was no feast or gift exchange either.
just a young man, his bride-to-be, and a baby
lying vulnerably... in a cattle
The mood was sweet. The noise of the world
was muffled by the joy of the moment
and the sense of wonder
that filled the cattle shed.
No one could've known it then–
even the boldest among them,
but time itself
was split in two on this day,
with BC
giving way to Anno Domini (AD)
Before his birth, they lived in a world without hope,
everyone did… and then there was a promise
and a hope that would never be squelched,
The shepherds weren’t accustomed to being invited.
Come morning they were still just shepherds...
but they were never without hope
A couple of years later,
some astrologers came from Persia
brought gifts of homage...
to the baby King born in Israel.
They were "wise" because they sought him,
and worshiped him, and didn’t enter into
His presence empty-handed!
Come morning- it looked like just another day-
with babies crying, women making bread,
and men working at their trade...
But that first Christmas was no ordinary day...
and there would never again be an ordinary day...
because a Savior had been born!
God had come to earth,
with gifts of joy, peace, love, hope, and
salvation to people who needed to be accepted
and saved... more than anything else!
Come morning, it was AD, Anno Domini,
because our Lord had arrived in Bethlehem.
Unto us a Savior had been born! Hallelujah!!
and I pray that each and everyone of you will experience the depths of God’s
love and grace, this Christmas of 2024! pk