Sunday, October 25, 2020


A friend once told me that her pastor preached "responsible grace," and while I think I know what she had in mind, grace cannot be burdened with any adjective. Grace is simply grace, unearned, undeserved, unfair, and hard to understand. It must be unmerited and unconditional to be grace at all. I've known people- perhaps you have too- who seem to believe that grace ought to be given to those who are "trying hard," or who will "appreciate it," or who "won't need it again." But this cannot be grace because grace cannot keep score. Grace is unfettered and undeserved loving kindness. It forgives those who will "straighten out their ways"... and those who won't. It lifts up those who will "pass it forward"... and those who won't. It blesses those who are very, very good... and those who aren't even trying to be good! Grace seems unfair to us and most people feel as if they don't "deserve" it. They don't... deserve it... but it is the only hope we have                                                                                                                                         

When God "speaks" to us. it is grace... when God listens to us, it is also grace...when God clothed Adam and Eve, it was grace... when     Jesus dined with Zacchaeus, it was grace...when a Rainbow appears in the sky...when a wound heals...when hope rises, it is grace...when   people stick with us and don't run away...when they don't give up on us, it is grace...a smile is grace... so is a tear... when Jesus hung on his  cross and welcomed the thief hanging next to him into his kingdom, it was grace and when the Son of God ended his work by saying, "Father, forgive them," it was amazing grace!

 "Rain is grace," Updike said. "Grace is love that stoops and rescues," according to John Scott. "Listen to you life," Buechner says, "touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it (because) life itself is grace." In Rumi's view, "grace comes to forgive and then forgive again." When Jesus talked about forgiving 70 times 7, completely and as a way of life, he was talking about grace. Creation is about grace. Salvation is about grace. Kindness is about grace. Heaven is about grace. Dying with a loved one at your side is grace. Forgiving and loving yourself is grace! It's all about unmerited, unearned. undeserved favor and that is grace! May we dry our tears, leap for joy, and get out there and shower others with grace in Christ's name and for God's sake! Amen.


Sunday, October 18, 2020


 In the 22nd chapter of Matthew, Jesus is confronted by a group of Pharisees and several Herodians (supporters of Herod) with a question that was designed to entrap him. Rabbi, they said, since we know that you always speak the truth, tell us if it is lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not? “Show me the coin for the tax,” Jesus said, and they brought him a denarius, which was a day’s pay for a working man. “Whose likeness and inscription is this,” Jesus asked as he looked at the head of Emperor Tiberius, with the inscription: “Tiberius Caesar, son of the deified Augustus.” They said, the likeness and the inscription are Caesar’s, and Jesus replied, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” A clever answer to a loaded question, but what does it mean to us today, as we gather in a society which is much, much more secular and individualistic than anything Jesus and his critics ever knew? What belongs to God? And what belongs to Caesar?


What do we owe God? What do I owe God?


Obedience? Surely I owe God obedience. The rules and the laws from which they come are all about obedience and Jesus plainly said that those who hear his words… and live them out- do them- are those who love him.


Gratitude? Surely I owe God gratitude, for the gift of life, for the gift of love, for the blessings I’ve received, for saving my life and my soul. And how am I to express my gratitude? As our hymn says, “How does the creature say thanks?”


Love? Jesus noted that the entire law is based on love. Love God with everything you are- heart, mind, soul, strength- and love your neighbor as yourself. The entire law rests on these.


Surrender? I owe God to surrender my will to his, to let him have his way with me, to be “born again” and to grow, day by day, into the person God wants me to be.


Authenticity, being real? I owe God the real me. Trust- letting go. I owe God a relationship that involves conversation, laughter, and tears, just like any other important relationship!


Investment. I owe God a sincere effort to invest and commit to my relationship with him. To really listen to God as God speaks to me through the Bible, through the people around me, and through the events of our time.


What do I owe to my lover- the one whom God has given me to walk with through this life on earth?


Transparency comes to mine. I need to share what is in my heart and on my mind, so that there is opportunity for healing, changing, forgiving, or just knowing what’s going on.


Speaking the truth in love, where the words “truth” and “love” both count. Without love, truth can be a blunt instrument and without truth, love is just an illusion.


Elbow room. I owe my love space so that he or she can become all that God intended. As Gibran noted, two people should grow in the same garden, but not so closely that one of them blocks the sun from the other.


Trust. All relationships worthy of the name are a matter of trust. Keep your promise of fidelity and steadfast love, no matter the temptation, or how things are going in your life.


Time. Nothing grows without time and nurturing, not our careers, not our golf games, not our bonds within a relationship. Relationships need to be nourished!


Forgiveness is a given because, unless we are willing and able to forgive, our relationships, even with the people we love, are doomed!


How about my children? 


Well, it seems that we owe our kids at least this much:

Moral guidance through word and example.

Love: supportive love, forgiving love, empowering love, and tough love (if its love).

Respect. As the great Dr. Seuss said, “A person is a person no matter how small.”

A good example at home. Not a perfect one, but one in which people respect one another, use language that builds others up, and provides the peace that a home should provide.


And Caesar. What belongs to Caesar?


Authority, but to what extent? Enforcement, but in what ways?


Are there “two kingdoms?” And has God ordained them both- one in heaven and one on earth?


Is faith something we hold in our hears and keep to ourselves… or is it something that must be seeable, in our polity and in our politics?


Can we worship the Christian flag and the American flag, or is it inappropriate to worship either one?


Is Caesar's world off-limits to Christians, or is it the arena in which we feed the hungry, fight for justice and set the prisoners free?


Is faith a private matter or a public act?


These are the questions that God asks us today. Let take inventory of what we owe to our friends, our country, our church, our employer, and for that matter, our country club. Let’s list what we owe to God and others, and then take stock in how we are doing! 


May we become more aware about our relationships and may we also struggle with Caesar and Christ. What do we owe to each of them? Nothing? All? Or something in between? Amen!








Sunday, October 11, 2020

the little gods we worship

Our God is in the heavens; he does whatever he pleases.
Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands.
They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see.
They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk;
Those who make them are like them; so are all who trust in them.”
Ps. 115


Although I’ve long since forgotten where I saw it, I remember a cartoon that showed a well-dressed middle-aged couple kneeling before a huge, golden, dollar sign. They were worshiping the sign and the woman said, “I was happier when we were Presbyterian!” Happier, for sure, because money doesn’t listen, or talk, or care at all. Jesus noted that it is impossible to worship both God and money and he warned against the love of money again and again.


A God who gives life and restores life. A God who listens to prayers and invites us to listen to him. A God who gave his Son so we would live… or an idol made of wood and stone? It seems like a no-brainer, but it’s not. Many people prefer to worship themselves instead of a God whom they can’t see or control. Many people, even more, prefer to store their treasure on Wall Street, where they can see it, rather than in heaven, where it’s in God’s hands. Many of us would be just as quick to demand a golden idol as the Israelites were in our passage today, which comes from the 24 chapter of Exodus. You know the story. When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they cried, “Come, make us gods[ who will go before us. And Aaron, who could’ve reminded that they were in God’s hands- the same God who had parted the sea for them, answered appeased them instead, “Bring me the gold earrings that your wives and children are wearing, he said, and when they did, he proclaimed, “These are your gods, who brought you up out of Egypt!” It was an absurd and pathetic violation of the 2nd commandment and God lost his patience with them. “Stand back,” he said to Moses, while I destroy this people and I will start again with you. But in one of his finest moments, Moses asked God to forgive their sin… or blot him out of the book he had written.


It’s a powerful passage which invites us to ask ourselves a few questions: Do we ever become impatient with God? How long will we keep the faith if our leader is gone and our God is silent? How often are we tempted to take matters into our own hands and to place our trust in the things we can see and hold? God was powerful, the Israelites knew that, but he also seemed unreliable. They needed a god, even a small god, who would always be with them and never give them cause to worry, How about us? How small is the God we worship? In the 12-Step world, someone told me that your god is that person or thing that you can’t imagine living without. Your idol is the person or thing that you think about every day. It is the person or thing that you count on in times of sorrow and need, and it is the person or thing you turn to when it is time to celebrate. As Tim Keller states in his book Counterfeit Gods, an idol is “anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, and anything that you seek to give you what only God can give.”  


1. Alcohol


From 1965 to 1976, my idol was alcohol. I needed it daily. I would go out of my way to get it and I would get frantic if it wasn’t around. I loved it. I thought about it constantly. and I couldn’t imagine life without it. It drove me to abandon my best self and to compromise my principles. For me, alcohol was my servant, my friend, and finally my master, but there are many idols contending for our worship.


2. Self

The theologian, Karl Barth, noted that we are prone to worship ourselves in a loud voice and pretend that we are worshiping God. Kenneth Hought with Stephen Ministries notes that we are all tempted to worship the “omnipotent baby within,” the little god who wants what he/she wants…right now! We are tempted to worship ourselves and our own needs and agendas, and if worshiping Christ jeopardizes that, we simply leave Christ behind. Worshiping ourselves won’t work, of course, because we are hopelessly flawed.

3. Security

Security is one of our most basic needs, whether we’re talking about getting in from the rain, earning enough to get our daily bread, or saving enough to make things work when we are old. Feeling secure is a basic need, whether we’re talking about binkies for babies, or simply believing that the one we love will be with us tomorrow. Jesus knew that we needed to feel secure, but he said that God would keep us secure. Jesus said that we should not panic when we are in the valley of death, or worry about tomorrow, which is God’s time!

4. Wealth

God’s biggest competitor is money, which is a bit like alcohol because it takes our souls and rules our lives. In it’s most basic form, money is nothing more than a currency that allows us to obtain things that we couldn’t grow or make. Money serves us, then it walks with us, and then it has its way with us. We count it. We watch it grow and it leads us to believe that we are somebody special. Money and self-worth have been hopelessly intertwined forever, which is why the first thing we often ask when we meet someone is: what do you do? But we are only rich when we store our treasure up in heaven.

Well, I could go on and on because the list of people and things that we are prone to worship is long, and it varies between people, and within the same person at different points in his/her lives. But I will conclude by asking you to consider what might be an idol in your own lives.


1.     Is there anything for which you would sacrifice your beliefs?

2.     Will you get angry if you can’t have or experience it?

3.     Do you value it over people in your lives?

4.     Does it bring you closer to God or make your relationship with God more difficult?


Was it a sin for an impatient people who had spent their entire lives in a culture where gold idols were worshiped to worship one themselves? Was it a sin for Aaron, who had seen the awesome power of God and who knew exactly where his brother was, to proclaim that a hunk of gold was the god who had delivered them? Of course. It was a sin because it “missed the mark,” and violated the 2nd Commandment directly. But the greater truth is that, while we don’t worship golden calves in the 21st century, we are prone to worship ourselves and the people and things that we think we cannot live without. Let us make sure that we are without sin before we throw the first stone. Amen!


October 2, 1976 is my Sobriety Birthday, which means that it has been 44 years since alcohol tempted and controlled me. Good riddance! God is good.




