When I was a student, I loved open-book tests. I was a pretty good text-taker anyway. I generally performed better on tests than I should have, whether they were multiple-choice, true/false, or essay. There were other students, of course, who underperformed because they had test-anxiety. They didn't score as well as they should have... but we could all agree that an open-book test was a no-brainer. Who could mess up an open-book test? No one, really, and that's what made them great. Well, as it turns out, the Bible has an open-book test for everyone who seeks heaven through Jesus, and the test is found in Matthew 25:31-46.
In this passage people are gathered around Christ as he comes to judge them. They are a bit anxious, I suspect, and they've probably armed themselves with a long list of real good reasons for the sins they committed. They are gathered to be judged, and they are divided into two groups- the "sheep" who are assembled on the right and the "goats," who are congregated on the left. Then, Christ said to the sheep- but only to the sheep- come on in! "Come on in, and inherit the kingdom that has been prepared for you." (vs. 34) Come in and take your seat in the banquet hall! Go ahead and take your seat- it's the one way up toward the front. Dance for joy and come on in. You've done well faithful servants... because you fed me when I was hungry; gave me drink when I was thirsty; welcomed me when I was a stranger to you; clothed me when I was naked; visited me when I was sick; and called on me when I was in prison. You lived as if you knew me... and you saw me when I stood before you hungry, thirsty, and naked! You saw me in your alleys and in your food lines. You saw the need in my eyes and the desperation on my face. You saw me- when I was least among you- and you loved me... in my name. So, come on in!
"Unfair," the goats cried. Your test is unfair. We've seldom missed a Sunday in church. We've tithed and we've served as leaders in our congregations. We've behaved ourselves and we've reared our children to do the same. We've done any number of good deeds... and besides, we never saw you hungry, or thirsty, or naked, or sick, or as a stranger, or prisoner! We never, ever, saw you in these ways, and if we had known it was you, Lord, we would've fallen all over ourselves to meet your needs. You know we would've. "O, but you didn't," the Lord will say. I appreciated your tithes and your church attendance was impressive. So was your knowledge of the Bible. I know how hard you tried to be good and I appreciated that too. But it wasn't about you... and when I appeared before you, you didn't give me the love and the grace that I gave to you? When I asked for food- you walked on by. When I was thirsty, you were too busy to give me a drink, and when I was dressed in rags, you looked the other way, never seeing that I'm important too. When I was sick, down and out, and isolated, you never called on me, although it would've made my day if you had. And when I was in prison, for crimes I did and didn't do, you acted as if I was dead to you. You never loved me enough to know me, and heaven's gate is closed to you.
Friends, if we don't see Christ in the least among us, we won't see him at all. He appears to us in a hundred different ways. We'll see him in a darkened corner, sitting alone; we'll seeing him getting on and off one of our buses. We'll bump into him at the mall, make eye contact across the way, maybe walking on our side of the street, coming toward us. He'll come to our own dinner table, stop in to our home. Maybe he's working beside you. I don't know, but he will appear to you. He's male and female, gay and straight, young and old, rich and poor, able and disabled, smart and not-so-smart, clean and dirty, borning and dying. He's all these things and more. Look and see him, and if you see him, for God's sake, respond... because responding is your final exam. The goats will persist,"We never saw you thirsty, or naked, or suffering, not once," and our Lord will reply, "Who in the world did you think that was... hanging on the cross?" Amen.
Biblical and theological thoughts on life and events in life. Some will come packaged as sermons- some simply as reflections.

Thursday, November 20, 2014
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Personally, I'm a Duck Dynasty fan,
although I wish they would shave their shaggy beards.
I admire their simple and empowering faith,
and I wish that mine wasn't so clouded with thought.
My uncle isn't a fan of their show,
but he shares their faith... and he doesn't have a beard.
My little brother was gay, engaging... and very competitive!
He won so frequently at the games we played...
that he expected to win whenever we played. (and he did)
My middle brother was disciplined and successful.
He did the right things,
and he was a much better golfer than me.
Many of my cousins farm the rich soil of Iowa,
They are hard-working men and women,
and they are virtually all conservative.
On the other hand,
some of my family members are quite liberal,
watching MSNBC instead of Fox News.
I like to watch documentaries and reality shows,
but I have relatives who watch The Bachelor,
Dancing with the Stars, and even pro wrestling.
Part of my mother's side of the family are Pentecostal,
many of my dad's clan are practicing Catholics,
there are Mormon's too, and at least one Presbyterian,
but mom and dad weren't religious at all.
My family is filled with warriors- I'm proud to say.
They've fought in every one of our America Wars,
but there are Quakers too, who refused to fight at all.
Dad flew combat missions in Europe,
Sean and Donald were in Iraq and/or Afghanistan,
Larry was in the Coast Guard, and Bill served in the Air Force.
For reasons that I'm not sure of,
our family is filled with pretty girls and cute kids,
some white, some black, and at least one Hispanic.
My wife has cancer, my sister-in-law and my uncle had it too,
and it took my brother's life much too soon;
my aunt suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis... mom has glaucoma...
and there's a strain of alcoholism running through the family.
I like to golf and do a little bass fishing,
but our daughters are obsessed with running and fitness,
and my son-in-law is an accomplished snow-boarder,
and one of the creators of the video game, "Medal of Honor,"
Some of my family members live in NC, some in NY,
several live in TX, a few in MO., and many still live in IA.
By and large, they've been successful and happy,
but there are exceptions to both of these.
MY FAMILY comes in many different sizes and shapes;
they have differing views and differing histories.
They see the world differently, they vote differently,
and their ages and incomes vary widely...
I have been blessed with a wonderful wife,
two beautiful daughters, a charming son-in-law, two beautiful granddaughters,
a grandson who fills my heart with joy...
and a great grandson whom I love dearly.
What is more,
I'm also blessed with a loving extended family,
some of whom I see and some of whom I miss.
All in all I'm a lucky man.
I am grateful for each and every member of my family.
I'm loved and I love, and
I'm born again! Who could ask for more?
although I wish they would shave their shaggy beards.
I admire their simple and empowering faith,
and I wish that mine wasn't so clouded with thought.
My uncle isn't a fan of their show,
but he shares their faith... and he doesn't have a beard.
My little brother was gay, engaging... and very competitive!
He won so frequently at the games we played...
that he expected to win whenever we played. (and he did)
My middle brother was disciplined and successful.
He did the right things,
and he was a much better golfer than me.
Many of my cousins farm the rich soil of Iowa,
They are hard-working men and women,
and they are virtually all conservative.
On the other hand,
some of my family members are quite liberal,
watching MSNBC instead of Fox News.
I like to watch documentaries and reality shows,
but I have relatives who watch The Bachelor,
Dancing with the Stars, and even pro wrestling.
Part of my mother's side of the family are Pentecostal,
many of my dad's clan are practicing Catholics,
there are Mormon's too, and at least one Presbyterian,
but mom and dad weren't religious at all.
My family is filled with warriors- I'm proud to say.
They've fought in every one of our America Wars,
but there are Quakers too, who refused to fight at all.
Dad flew combat missions in Europe,
Sean and Donald were in Iraq and/or Afghanistan,
Larry was in the Coast Guard, and Bill served in the Air Force.
For reasons that I'm not sure of,
our family is filled with pretty girls and cute kids,
some white, some black, and at least one Hispanic.
My wife has cancer, my sister-in-law and my uncle had it too,
and it took my brother's life much too soon;
my aunt suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis... mom has glaucoma...
and there's a strain of alcoholism running through the family.
I like to golf and do a little bass fishing,
but our daughters are obsessed with running and fitness,
and my son-in-law is an accomplished snow-boarder,
and one of the creators of the video game, "Medal of Honor,"
Some of my family members live in NC, some in NY,
several live in TX, a few in MO., and many still live in IA.
By and large, they've been successful and happy,
but there are exceptions to both of these.
MY FAMILY comes in many different sizes and shapes;
they have differing views and differing histories.
They see the world differently, they vote differently,
and their ages and incomes vary widely...
I have been blessed with a wonderful wife,
two beautiful daughters, a charming son-in-law, two beautiful granddaughters,
a grandson who fills my heart with joy...
and a great grandson whom I love dearly.
What is more,
I'm also blessed with a loving extended family,
some of whom I see and some of whom I miss.
All in all I'm a lucky man.
I am grateful for each and every member of my family.
I'm loved and I love, and
I'm born again! Who could ask for more?
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Thoughts on Veteran's Day and Family
Dear Archer and Donald-
This is Veteran's Day, 2014, and Lord knows, there's plenty to worry about. Taxes are high and, for most, opportunities are low. We're adding jobs, but they're the kind of jobs that students and retirees are supposed to have- not working men and women. We live in a PC world, which stands for "politically correct," and I fear that it's the only thing some people stand for. Finally, I should add that I'm worried about computers. Yes, I know that they are your dearest friends, and I applaud their power to do and transform things... but please don't fall in love with them. Fall in love, instead, with girls, and sports teams, and the great outdoors. Fall in love with conversing, daring, doing, but never settle for the image of something... when you can experience the thing itself.
Boys, it's Veterans Day, 2014. We have just endured a nasty political campaign, and I'm feeling tired right now. As a preacher, I worry about our worship of "self and stuff," and I think that we live in a time when "right is being called wrong," and "wrong is being called right." Things seem to be a little crazy to me...but I am also a proud and hopeful man... and I will always be... as long as freedom and love and courage abide. On this day we celebrate veterans- warriors of all sizes and shapes. We honor men and women who were willing to put service ahead of self. Some of them were eager to do so- some of them not so much. Some of them were fully supportive of the cause at hand- some not so much. Some of them fought hand-to-hand, some of them flew, some of them were at sea, some of them worked behind the lines, and some of them were stationed "at home." But they all served, and I applaud their service.
I applaud their sense of honor. I applaud their guts, and I cry over their tears. My father- your great and great-great grandfather- flew supplies to the battle lines in the European theater and liberated the prisoners in a concentration camp called, Auschwitz. He lost several friends in that war, including his co-pilot, Kenny, after whom I am named, and although he was always "tough," he was never the same after the war. Two of my uncles, which means that they're your kin too, saw combat in the same war, and my brother, Larry, served proudly as well. They didn't believe the same things, or worship in the same ways, or root for the same teams, or vote for the same candidates... but each of them believed that freedom was worth fighting and even dying for. Just last week, on my way to a family gathering in Kansas City, I stopped at the Ohio Cemetery in Ladora, Iowa to pay tribute to our relatives. In many ways, it is a family cemetery, and right away I saw large tombstones belonging to the Rosenbergers, the Schalls, and the Slaymakers. These are some of our people, boys. I saw a small marker for "Elizabeth Jane, mother," and I knew it was Elizabeth Jane Shedenhelm. Then, I looked up and saw a large monument for J.N. Shedenhelm, born 1836, and I smiled because I knew that he fought bravely in our Civil War- as did many of your relatives on the other side of that terrible war.
Boys, there are many things that need to be changed in this world, but I want you to know that this land of ours was founded on God, freedom, and opportunity. As you go through life, I hope that you will always be as loving as you are now. Be graceful, not rude, and always speak and enact the truth in love... where the words "truth" and "love" both count. Be good and generous men... but always remember that important things are worth fighting for. Remember, too, that your own ancestors took their stand as far back as Colonial America, and that you come from a proud heritage that includes both courage and grace. Donald, when all of this makes sense to you, give your daddy and hug... because he also took his stand and fought for freedoms that we enjoy!
This is Veteran's Day, 2014, and Lord knows, there's plenty to worry about. Taxes are high and, for most, opportunities are low. We're adding jobs, but they're the kind of jobs that students and retirees are supposed to have- not working men and women. We live in a PC world, which stands for "politically correct," and I fear that it's the only thing some people stand for. Finally, I should add that I'm worried about computers. Yes, I know that they are your dearest friends, and I applaud their power to do and transform things... but please don't fall in love with them. Fall in love, instead, with girls, and sports teams, and the great outdoors. Fall in love with conversing, daring, doing, but never settle for the image of something... when you can experience the thing itself.
Boys, it's Veterans Day, 2014. We have just endured a nasty political campaign, and I'm feeling tired right now. As a preacher, I worry about our worship of "self and stuff," and I think that we live in a time when "right is being called wrong," and "wrong is being called right." Things seem to be a little crazy to me...but I am also a proud and hopeful man... and I will always be... as long as freedom and love and courage abide. On this day we celebrate veterans- warriors of all sizes and shapes. We honor men and women who were willing to put service ahead of self. Some of them were eager to do so- some of them not so much. Some of them were fully supportive of the cause at hand- some not so much. Some of them fought hand-to-hand, some of them flew, some of them were at sea, some of them worked behind the lines, and some of them were stationed "at home." But they all served, and I applaud their service.
I applaud their sense of honor. I applaud their guts, and I cry over their tears. My father- your great and great-great grandfather- flew supplies to the battle lines in the European theater and liberated the prisoners in a concentration camp called, Auschwitz. He lost several friends in that war, including his co-pilot, Kenny, after whom I am named, and although he was always "tough," he was never the same after the war. Two of my uncles, which means that they're your kin too, saw combat in the same war, and my brother, Larry, served proudly as well. They didn't believe the same things, or worship in the same ways, or root for the same teams, or vote for the same candidates... but each of them believed that freedom was worth fighting and even dying for. Just last week, on my way to a family gathering in Kansas City, I stopped at the Ohio Cemetery in Ladora, Iowa to pay tribute to our relatives. In many ways, it is a family cemetery, and right away I saw large tombstones belonging to the Rosenbergers, the Schalls, and the Slaymakers. These are some of our people, boys. I saw a small marker for "Elizabeth Jane, mother," and I knew it was Elizabeth Jane Shedenhelm. Then, I looked up and saw a large monument for J.N. Shedenhelm, born 1836, and I smiled because I knew that he fought bravely in our Civil War- as did many of your relatives on the other side of that terrible war.
Boys, there are many things that need to be changed in this world, but I want you to know that this land of ours was founded on God, freedom, and opportunity. As you go through life, I hope that you will always be as loving as you are now. Be graceful, not rude, and always speak and enact the truth in love... where the words "truth" and "love" both count. Be good and generous men... but always remember that important things are worth fighting for. Remember, too, that your own ancestors took their stand as far back as Colonial America, and that you come from a proud heritage that includes both courage and grace. Donald, when all of this makes sense to you, give your daddy and hug... because he also took his stand and fought for freedoms that we enjoy!
Monday, November 3, 2014
TGI Election Day!
Tomorrow is election day- 2014- and I am more exhausted than excited. In fact, I'll be happy when it's over. The half-truths, the practiced lines, the name-calling-it's not any worse in kind than it's always been... but with social media and 24-7 television, it's insufferable! Besides, the candidates are so, well, ordinary. There's not a transforming figure among them, and I'm getting tired of the old line about choosing between the lesser of two evils. It's not that I don't get the joke, but there's too much at stake to find it funny.
I believe in hard-work and accountability, but I also believe in safety nets and helping hands. I believe that the Bible embraces these acts as well, but the liberals can't spell "accountability" and the conservatives can't spell "compassion." The world seems to be filled with extremists. Isn't there a liberal somewhere who knows that a policy of handouts doesn't work? And isn't there a conservative out there somewhere who knows that a helping hand can be a great investment? The arguments are the same tired arguments that I heard (and voiced) in the sixties... but the world has changed dramatically in the past fifty years. The population is growing at a staggering rate, and there are simply too many people in many, many places. There is a coalition of minorities that seems to threaten traditional ways of life,. and in what was already an individualistic society, the individual is now god in America. Most politicians are wealthy and out-of-touch, and most of them want lifetime jobs. Poor people resent the rich... and the rich blame the poor people for being poor. There are problems everywhere- but we've agreed not to mention them...and the silence makes healing impossible.
No one is doing anything but running for office and/or attempting to hold on to office... and our issues are too big for that. Someone once told me that if you're young and conservative, you're hard-hearted; but if you're old and liberal, you're soft-headed, and that might be my problem in a nutshell.
Perhaps I'm the one who is changing. Maybe I'm just getting old, but the lives that our children will lead...are worth fighting for, and not just by voting for the lesser of two evils. I suppose I will vote tomorrow, but I really don't have my heart in it! And there's some part of me that says "it will only encourage them."
I believe in hard-work and accountability, but I also believe in safety nets and helping hands. I believe that the Bible embraces these acts as well, but the liberals can't spell "accountability" and the conservatives can't spell "compassion." The world seems to be filled with extremists. Isn't there a liberal somewhere who knows that a policy of handouts doesn't work? And isn't there a conservative out there somewhere who knows that a helping hand can be a great investment? The arguments are the same tired arguments that I heard (and voiced) in the sixties... but the world has changed dramatically in the past fifty years. The population is growing at a staggering rate, and there are simply too many people in many, many places. There is a coalition of minorities that seems to threaten traditional ways of life,. and in what was already an individualistic society, the individual is now god in America. Most politicians are wealthy and out-of-touch, and most of them want lifetime jobs. Poor people resent the rich... and the rich blame the poor people for being poor. There are problems everywhere- but we've agreed not to mention them...and the silence makes healing impossible.
No one is doing anything but running for office and/or attempting to hold on to office... and our issues are too big for that. Someone once told me that if you're young and conservative, you're hard-hearted; but if you're old and liberal, you're soft-headed, and that might be my problem in a nutshell.
Perhaps I'm the one who is changing. Maybe I'm just getting old, but the lives that our children will lead...are worth fighting for, and not just by voting for the lesser of two evils. I suppose I will vote tomorrow, but I really don't have my heart in it! And there's some part of me that says "it will only encourage them."
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